The difference between Convolvulaceae and scrophulariaceae are :

Convolvulaceae :

1. System position: This family belongs to order polymoniales of bicarpellatae of sub-class gamopetalae.

2. Distribution: 1200 species under 50 genera widely distributed throughout world except cold regions.

3. Habit: Annual or perenial herbs many of them are climbers or trailers, vines contain milky latex, terrestrial some or aquatic or semi aquatic. Some are parasitic.


4. Root: Tap root, branched profusely in some cases adventitious modified fleshy tuberous roots are found. Parastitic haustorial roots are found.

5. Stem: Herbaceous twining often hollow often modified to rhizome.

6. Leaf: Simple exstipulate cordate or palmate periolate.

7. Inflorescence: Solitary or in small cymes.


8. Flower: Regular bisexual hypogynous, pentamerous companulate.

9. Calyx: Five, free, imbricate odd sepal posterior.

10. Corolla: Petais five gamo petalous, twisted or valvate, funnel shaped.

11. Androecium: Stamens five, free epipetalous.


12. Gynoecium: Bi or tricarpellary syncarpous ,ovary superior bilocular axil stigma simple nectaries absent.

13. Fruit: Fruit usually capsule or berry.

Scrophulariaceae :

1. System position: This family belongs to order personales of bicarpllate of gamopetalae.

2. Distribution: 2600 species under 20 genera widely distributed in temperate zone.


3. Habit: Mostly herbs or under shrubs few are trees, rarely climbers, mesophyles, few are semiparasites.

4. Root:Tap root branched.

5. Stem: Herbaceous or woody branched without latex often hairy.

6. Leaf: Simple estipulate opposite or whorled usually lower leaves opposite and uppers are alternate.


7. Inflorescence: Racemose or cymose or spike occasionally solitary.

8. Flower: Bisexual zygomorphic typically pentamerous bracts and bracteoles present often ligylate.

9. Calyx: Sepals five gamosepalous persistent posterior sepal suppressed.

10. Corolla: Petals 4-5 gamopetalous regular or bilabiate and personate rotate companulate or clove shaped.


11. Androecium: Usually four, sometimes five or two, staminodes present didnamous.

12. Gynoecium: Bicarpellary syncarpous superior ovary axil . Stigma capitate or biliped, Nectaries present at base of ovary.

13. Fruit: Capsule opens by two valves or pores.