This is a group of diseases where the body’s immune system attacks its own nervous system.

Examples include opsoclonus myoclonus syndrome, Guillain-Barre syndrome and multiple sclerosis. Numbness, Paralysis, Vision impairment, Neurological symptoms, Incoordination, Movement problems, Weakness, Impaired sensation etc. are the symptoms of the disease.

Psoriasis is a common skin disorder characterized by patches of raised, inflamed lesions.

Phemphigus vulgaris is another skin disease caused by auto immunity. Pemphigus complex” is a group of four autoimmune skin disorders characterized by “vesicles” and “bullae” (blisters), erosions, and ulcers. In “pemphigus vulgaris”, the lesions are usually found in the mouth and at mucocutaneous junctions, those borders of haired skin and mucosal tissues.


Such areas include the eyelids, lips, nostrils, anus, and prepuce or vulva. There may also be skin lesions in the groin or axillae (armpits). The blisters are thin, fragile, and rupture easily. The skin lesions are described as red, weeping, ulcerated placques.

Phemphigus vulgaris may be caused by an antibody to the intercellular cement substance. In bullous phemphigoid, antibodies are directed against the dermal epithelial junction.