In this process new cell wall is formed and the cytoplasm is divided into two. Cytoplasmic components and organelles are distributed between the daughter cells during this period. Usually after telophase, the process of cytokinesis starts but in animal cells during the late anaphase or early telophase stage, a constriction appears in the cell membrane along a line parallel to the equator. This constriction gradually becomes deep and by the end of telophase it is completed.

The division of cytoplasm taken place by any of the two methods: cell plate method or furrowing. The cell plate method is the usual method in vegetative cells. Cell plate is formed by the vesicles of dictyosomes and endoplasmic reticulum when they accumulate and fuse in the equatorial region. The plate gradually extends till it reaches the wall of the parent cell. Cellulose is deposited on both the sides of the plate which acts as middle lamella between the two cells. Before the completion of the process of cytokinesis, new nuclei get organized.

In animal cells, cytokinesis is accomplished by furrow formation which starts from the cell membrane. In this process cleavage of cytoplasm takes place. Thus, in animal cells, cytokinesis starts from the periphery and moves towards the centre (centripetal), whereas, in plant cells, it starts from the centre and move towards the periphery (centrifugal).

The duration of mitosis varies considerably in different organisms and even in the same organism under different conditions. Temperature is one of the important factors which after the duration of division.