51. How many bones are there in the corpus of human beings?

(a) 8 (b) 9

(c) 10 (d) 11.

52. What type of bones performs the function of giving strength?


(a) Long bones (b) Regular bones (c) Flat bones (d) Short bones.

53. Density of bones is greater in

(a) Men

(b) Women


(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of the above.

54. Which of the following is a joint of recip­rocal innervations?

(a) Pivot joint (b) Saddle joint (c) Condyloid joint (d) Hinge joint.


55. Carpal joint is the example of

(a) Pivot joint

(b) Condyloid joint

(c) Hinge joint.


(d) Ball and socket joint.

56. Which of the following planes of the body divides it into upper and lower parts?

(a) Saginaw (b) Transverse

(c) Frontal (d) Vertical.


57. The following bones form the elbow joint except

(a) Scapula (b) radius

(c) Ulna (d) hummers.

58. Main bones in forearm are


(a) hummers-femur

(b) radius-ulna

(c) ulna-phalanges

(d) Wrist bones-phalanges.

59. On ‘set’ command the sprinter is in

(a) Stable equilibrium

(b) Unstable equilibrium

(c) Neutral equilibrium

(d) None of the above.

60. What type of muscles is capable of resisting fatigue in a long duration activity?

(a) Deltoid (b) Fast twitch

(c) Slow twitch (d) both (a) and (b).

61. Muscles which cause the joints to bend are called

(a) Flexors (b) extensors

(c) Abductors (d) adductors.

62. Synovial joint is

(a) Slightly movable

(b) Freely movable

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of the above.

63. Which of the following is a fibrous joint?

(a) Joints of the skull

(b) Joints of the fingers

(c) Joints of the ribs

(d) All the above.

64. The terms ‘anterior and posterior’ are syno­nymous with

(a) Frontal and back

(b) Verbal and dorsal

(c) Lateral and medial

(d) None of the above.

65. ‘Lumbar’ vertebrae are

(a) 6 in number (b) 7 in number (c) 5 in number (d) 4 in number.

66. A bone which is formed by the replacement of cartilage is known as

(a) Long bone (b) short bone (c) seamed bone (d) replacing bone.

67. A bone which is formed by the trans­formation of connective tissue is called (a) replacing bone (b) investing bone (c) seamed bone (d) flat bone.

68. The specific function of tarsal bone is

(a) Protection

(b) Gives strength

(c) Act as lever

(d) None of the above.

69. Example of synovial joint is

(a) Suture

(b) Knee joint

(c) Inter vertebral disc

(d) Shoulder joint.

70. Study of muscles is called

(a) Otology (b) anthropology

(c) Mycology (d) anthropometry.

71. Total number of bones in the human skull is

(a) 20 (b) 21

(c) 22 (d) 23.

72. How many carpal bones are there in the wrist?

(a) 6 (b) 7

(c) 8 (d) 9.

73. Newton’s second law of motion is also known as

(a) Law of inertia

(b) Law of action reaction

(c) Law of momentum

(d) Law of gravitation.

74. Lever system prevalent in human arm is

(a) Class III

(b) Class II

(c) Class I

(d) None of the above.

75. Otology is the study of

(a) Muscles (b) bones

(c) Joints (d) nerves.

76. Duration is measure of

(a) Distance (b) displacement

(c) Force (d) time.

77. ‘Speed’ is indicated in

(a) Km/sec2 (b) Cm/hour

(c) Newton (d) Km/hr.

78. First law of motion is also called

(a) Law of action and reaction

(b) Law of conservation of energy

(c) Law of inertia

(d) Law of transference of momentum.

79. Imaginary line passing laterally from one side to other is called

(a) Sagittal axis (b) sagittal plane (c) vertical axis (d) lateral axis.

80. Sideways bending of trunk is an example of movement in

(a) Frontal plane and sagittal axis

(b) Sagittal plane and sagittal axis

(c) Frontal plane and transverse axis.

(d) Sagittal plane and lateral axis.

81. Newton’s second law of motion is also called

(a) Law of action and reaction

(b) Law of inertia

(c) Law of gravity

(d) Law of acceleration.

82. in isometric contraction, the muscle

(a) Shortens

(b) Lengthens

(c) Neither shortens nor lengthens

(d) Shortens as well as lengthens.

83. The scapula bone is situated in

(a) Leg (b) hip

(c) Upper back (d) arm.

84. Mechanics is the branch of physics that deals with bodies

(a) At rest

(b) In motion

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of the above.

85. The branch of mechanics that describes the cause of force is

(a) Kinetics

(b) Kinematics

(c) Biomechanics

(d) Fluid mechanics.

86. The branch of mechanics, which deals with the force that produces or changes the state of motion, is

(a) Kinematics (b) Statistics (c) Biomechanics (d) Kinetics.

87. Largest bone in the human body is (a) tibia (b) femur (c) fibula (d) hummers.

88. Metacarpals and phalanges are examples of

(a) Saddle joint

(b) Hinge joint

(c) Condyloid joint

(d) Ball and socket joint.

89. Crapo metacarpal joint is an example of

(a) Condyloid joint

(b) Ball and socket joint

(c) Saddle joint

(d) Gliding joint.

90. Total number of bones in the skull is

(a) 7 (b) 8

(c) 9 (d) 10.

91. Thoracic vertebrae’ consists of

(a) 7 bones (b) 12 bones

(c) 5 bones (d) 8 bones.

92. ‘Sacrum’ vertebrae consists of

(a) 5 bones (b) 6 bones

(c) 4 bones (d) 3 bones.

93. Which of the following is an example of Hinge joint?

(a) Hip joint (b) Elbow Joint

(c) Ankle Joint (d) All the above.

94. at the time of release of discus

(a) Centripetal force is more than centri­fugal force

(b) Centrifugal force is more than centri­petal force

(c) Centripetal and centrifugal forces become zero

(d) None of the above.

95. The sternum is located in

(a) Foot (b) palm

(c) Chest (d) skull.

96. The schedules for interval training are prepared

(a) Annually (b) weekly

(c) Monthly (d) quarterly.

97. Who invented the method of weight training?

(a) Aristotle

(b) Herbert Spencer

(c) Fredrick Yahn

(d) Morgan and Adamson.

98. Passive flexibility is due to

(a) Muscular assistance

(b) External help

(c) Increase in strength

(d) Neither (a) nor (b).

99. Duration of ‘macro cycle’ is

(a) 1 year plus (b) 2 months (c) 2 weeks (d) 4 days.

100. Best method to enhance explosive strength in lower extremities is

(a) Long distance running

(b) Sand running

(c) Bounding training and depth jumps

(d) Mud running.

101. Interval training is used for the development of

(a) Flexibility

(b) Agility

(c) Explosive strength

(d) Endurance.








54. (b)



56. (b)

57. (a)







61. (a)



63. (a)

64. (b)







68. (b)



70. (c)

71. (c)







75. (b)



77. (d)

78. (c)







82. (a)



84. (b)

85. (b)







89. (c)



91. (b)

92. (a)







96. (b)



98. (a)

99. (a)



