63. (a) What is photosynthesis?

(b) Write a chemical equation to show the process of photosynthesis in plants.

(c) Explain the mechanism of photosynthesis.

64. (a) Name the raw materials required for photosynthesis. How do plants obtain these raw materials?


(b) What are the various conditions necessary for photosynthesis?

(c) Name the various factors which affect the rate of photosynthesis in plants.

65. (a) Define nutrition. Why is nutrition necessary for an organism?

(b) What are the different modes of nutrition? Explain with one example of each mode of nutrition.


(c) Name the mode of nutrition in (i) roundworm, and (ii) Plasmodium.

66. (a) What are herbivores, carnivores and omnivores? Give two examples of each.

(b) Classify the following into herbivores, carnivores and omnivores: Lion, Man, Dog, Goat, Crow, Elephant, Snake, Hawk, Rabbit, Deer

(c) Name the five steps which occur in the process of nutrition in animals.


67. (a) Describe the process of nutrition in Amoeba. Draw labelled diagrams to show the various steps in the nutrition in Amoeba.

(b) What is the mode of nutrition in Amoeba known as?

(c) What is the process of obtaining food by Amoeba called? What does it mean?

68. (a) Draw a labelled diagram of the human digestive system. With the help of this diagram, describe the process of digestion of food in man (humans).


(b) Describe one way in which the small intestine is adapted for the absorption of digested food.

(c) What is the special name of the contraction and expansion movement which pushes the food further in our digestive tract (or alimentary canal)?

69. (a) Describe the parts of our tooth with the help of a labelled diagram.

(b) What is meant by dental caries? How are they caused?


(c) What is dental plaque? What harm can it do? How can the formation of plaque be prevented?

70. (a) Name the main organs of the human digestive system. Also name the associated glands.

(b) How do carbohydrates, fats and proteins get digested in human beings?