The author of famous bhajan “Vaishnava jana to tene Kahiye, je peer parayi jaane rhe”. Narsi Mehta was born in 15th century A.D. at Kathiawada of Junagarh state. He became orphan at an early age of 4 and was looked after by his brothers.

When asked by his brother to leave the house, he became thoroughly exasperated. He devoted himself to the worship of Lord Krishna.

He was an ardent worshipper of Lord Krishna. It is said that pleased with his deep devotion, Krishna came to his succour at the time of distress many times.

His daughter was married with plenty of gifts and ornaments despite his poverty only because of the divine grace.


Narsi Bhagat did not believe in caste or colour. His devotional songs enthralled all his audience. He has left behind him a rich legacy of devotional songs.