This disease is caused by Leptospira ictero hemorrhage. The organism enters the body through cuts in skin and by consuming food which is infected by rat urine and rat droppings. The incubation period is usually 9-10days. It is also caused by virus which damages the liver.

The symptoms are loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and tender­ness of liver and spleen. The liver and spleen get enlarged and there may be fever. Pale to dark yellow brown urine, frothy stools, yellow­ing of skin and white of the eye are usual features present in a jaundice patient. Consistent care and treatment have to be followed for the patient keeps passing spirochetes in urine long after the apparent symptoms have disappeared.

Breakdown of RBC gives rise to the pigment bilirubin. The liver cells convert it into bile that passes through liver cells, gall bladder and intestines where it helps in the digestion of fats. Whenever there is infection or obstruction of liver or excessive breakdown of RBC, the bilirubin gives the patient the characteristic paleness, yellowing of eyes and urine. The stools passed show the presence of undigested fat rise to the characteristic symptoms in the patient. The disease can be cured by dietary medical and surgical means.