This depends on the source of danger to the threatened species. In many cases, wildlife can be helped by ensuring that their environment is favourable with regards to availablity of food, water and shelter. This method is called Habitate Management. It involves such action as soil conservation, good forestry practices and wildlife management.

Several species have been threatened with extinction due to destruction of habitat by human activities like deforestation for farming, pollution of air, water, land, plants and animals etc. People must set aside separate areas like sanctuaries, wildlife reserves, parks etc. In which wildlife can survive. Hunting is another major cause for the dwindle in the wildlife and this can be prevented by enforcement of strict laws that forbid or regualte such killings.

Excessive increase in the number of one species in a given area threatens not only its own endurance but also that of the other species by consuming major proportion of the available food. Such numbers must be reduced by controlled hunting or by restoring its natural enemies where they have become scarce.

Sometimes species find it extremely difficult to survive in their own once favourable environment. Such species can be protected by breeding in capacity and releasing in a protected area that satisfies the conditions favourable for survival.


A species threatened with disease can be protected by sanitation measures in a habitat.

The success of wildlife conservation depends on the knowledge of the Ecology of the species which involves on understanding of the way of life of the species and its relationship with its biotic and a biotic environment.