The main features of statistics as statistical methods are as follows:

1. Collection of Data:

To begin with, proper attention should be paid to collect the data as they constitute the foundation of statistical analysis.

2. Organization of Data:


After the collection of data, the first step in organizing the data is editing. This is done in order to rectify omissions, inconsistencies etc. After the edit of data, classification is done to arrange the data according to some common characteristics.

3. Presentation of Data:

The data collected should be presented through graphs, tables etc. so that the classification of data may easily be understandable.

4. Analysis of Data:


It is necessary to analyze the data further in order to arrive at some definite results. The characteristic properties of the problem are revealed only when quantities like measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, correlation etc. are calculated. These single figures tell us about the situation.

5. Interpretation of Data:

This is the last-stage in the process and, therefore, is perhaps the most-difficult part, requiring a high degree of skill and experience. The results of the third stage are in the form of numbers and need to be transformed into statements. These interpretations are, to some extent, probable but could never be taken as absolutely certain.