The distrust of statistics refers to the lack of confidence in statistical datum. Undoubtedly, statistical tools have yielded important results in almost every field knowledge.

But still science of statistics is looked upon with a suspicious eye by so people. On the other hand, some people looked upon it with the eyes of respect.

In the words of Stephen Leacock, “In the earlier times people had no statistics a they have to fall back on lies. Hence the huge exaggerations of primitive literature-giants or miracles or wonders! They did it with lies and we do with statistics, but it is all the same.”

Yet, there are another quarter of people who look upon it with suspicion. They belie that figures are tissues of falsehood or figures can prove anything. Disraeli once quoted “there are three degrees of lies-lies, damned lies and statistics”. In realization statistics should not be blamed for this distrust.


Statistics are like clay of which can make God or Devil as you please. We should examine whether the figures unbiased and properly collected and scientifically collected. Statistics does not prove disprove a thing. It is merely a tool.

Causes of Distrust

The distrust of statistics occurs due to the following reasons:

1. Incomplete knowledge of statistical methods.

2. Unrealistic assumptions.


3. Deliberate misuse of statistics.

4. Ignoring limitations of statistics.

5. Misuse of statistics

6. Wrong application of statistical methods like inappropriate comparisons, statistical errors, false percentages etc.

Removal of Distrust


To overcome the problems of distrust following precautions should be taken into consideration:

(i) Limitations of statistics should be kept in mind,

(ii) Only experts should make use of the statistics,

(iii) Data should be used after a careful enquiry,


(iv) Great care and caution should be exercised while using statistics,

(v) Experts of statistics must exercise self-restrain or statistics must exercise self-restrain,

(vi) Free and frank discussion can go a long way to overcome the problem of distrust. Thus, from the above observations it becomes very much clear that statistics are nothing but only a pack of lies. Therefore, fault does not lie with statistics. These techniques are innocent techniques which may be used for the betterment of the society.

A knife may be used in cutting one’s throat instead of cutting fruits and vegetables. Fault is not with knife but with a person who handles it.


Similarly, if the statistician misuses data then the fault purely lies on the statistician and not on the data. It is pertinently observed, “Figures would not lie, but liars figure”.

In reality, statistics should not be relied upon blindly nor distrusted out rightly. Statistics should not be used as blind man uses a lamp post for support rather than for illumination, whereas it’s real purpose is to serve as illumination and not as a support.

According to W.I. King “The science of statistics is a most useful servant but only of great value to those who understand its proper use.”

Thus, from the above, we can conclude that statistics is not bad though innocent. Sir. F. Galton has aptly remarked, “Some people hate the very name of statistics, but I find them full of beauty and interest. Whenever, they are not brutalized but delicately handled by the higher methods and are properly interpreted, their power in dealing with complicated phenomenon is extra-ordinary.”