Films as mass medium have similar advantages as television as far as motion and manipulation of time are concerned. Motion is essential for comprehending certain concepts and messages.

For example, science experiments, operation of machines or industrial plants can be shown effectively with motion. Both the media show few hours long event in few minutes.

The emotional impact left by films helps in shaping personal and social attitudes. They present the situation in a dramatic, recreation form which brings reality also and assures the involvement of the viewer and leaves emotional impact.

Films preserve modern sense of privacy and anonymity. Man has longed for invisibility and the absence of responsibility it confers, and film satisfies precisely this with. In watching a film we view a magically reproduced world while remaining invisible to it.


Film is a versatile medium. If lends itself to instructional use in both large and small groups, and for individual study.

Technically, film allows a wider range of colors than video; furthermore, the colors vary more in terms of hue and portray a greater range of contrast then television. This holds viewer’s attention better than video or television.

Films provide for viewing of phenomena at extremely close range or from a vast distance, which is not possible in television.

Films can be used for variety of purposes such as entertainment, education, persuasion, changing motivation and opinions. The messages conveyed through films are retained better due to its reality element. They allow for a creative production approach. It is possible to make different language and cultural versions of a film.