Due to the works of several missionaries and the mounting pressure of some Englishmen, the Company was compelled to give up its policy of non- intervention in education. The British Parliament included in the Company’s Charter Act a clause granting a sum of not less than one lakhs rupees per year 0r education, for the first time acknowledging state’s responsibility for the Promotion of education in India.

In 1823, a General Committee of public institution was set up to look after the development of education in ln(j- mostly Britishers were in favour of Western Education which was in their 1835 resolution that English become the main language rejected. English became the court language, provided more funds to S’a’1’1 English education.

Education curtailed in fund for promoting of oriental provided printing and publication of English books for free and made available at the low price. Auckland, the next Governor-General also is in promotion of English education in India hence he recommended to more English colleges all over India.

New schools, colleges were opened word dispatch gave new recommended for the education. The setting up of native education society and Eliphinst institute in Bombay, founding of Christian College in 1837 and Presency Coll in 1853 etc. were some of others steps that provide the model for development of education in India.


As a regard the positive impact the English education broadened the horizon of knowledge. The establishment of printing press and easy availability of book removed the traditional barriers and made education accessible to more people the ideas of western thinkers influenced the younger generation of indigenous society and they began to question the existing traditional values.

There were limitations of the educational system that developed under colonia sponsorship. The education totally ignored the importance of mass education and concentrated on only a selected few who could not filter down the masses in practice.

The overemphasis on western literature philosophy and humanities neglected the technology and natural science, intellectual advancement as well as economic development of country. Besides the education became subordinated to political power the main drawback of the western language was that the English become the main subject while all other sectors were neglected. So, the product of English language is the product of British education policy.