There is still a chance to save the tiger from extinction but that will require a concerted effort to control the trade in tiger parts and to protect habitats of the seven sub-species of tiger, the Balinese, Javanese and Caspian tigers have already disappeared and the South China tiger is a on the brink.

India was the lost hope for the future of the species because it had the largest number of wild tigers and a conservation infrastructure with a system of connected protected area.

But tragically, India’s tiger – population too has collapsed. According to latest census as well as evidences, the Indian population of tigers has plummeted dangerously close to the tipping point fort the loss of the species.

The first cause of the crisis is poaching to satisfy the demand for tiger products for traditional oriental medicine in China and other parts of the East Asia. The second reason is that, in the past decade the areas inhabited by tigers have fallen by 2/5′h with intense competition for land, water and the endless encroachment of village on to protected land.


India has lost more than 50% of its tiger population in the past five years with numbers dwindling to 1411. This is as overall decrease in the tiger population except in Tamil Nadu, where number has gone up subsequently. There is also report of low density of tigers. In Palamu tiger reserves ranging from 0.5 to 1.5 per 100 sq. km.

Thus, India needs stronger efforts in conserving habitats. There is also need of adequate numbers of protection staff with motivation and adequate remuneration for facing daily hazard at the hands of poachers. They also need the supply of modern inputs in conservation.

The models of conservation need to the modernized bringing in commercial operators working alongside or under official wildlife agencies. Forest based communities also need a stake in protecting the tigers. Also strong follow up action is required at all levels.

This effort also calls for sizable financing and in this regard Indian corporations such as Tata and the Asian business Diasporas could help in the investments. Corporations featuring the symbol of the tiger such as Exxon Mobile are having Save Tiger Fund