In India there are three All India services at present Indian Administration service (IAS), Indian Police service (IPS) and Indian Forest service (IFS). Having concerned with “the efficiency and ability of these services, It is agued that all India judicial service should be created on the some outings.

In Indian, the supreme court is the highest judicial body states have the High Courts at the highest judicial position, working with courts subordinate to it. If an All India Judicial Services is crated, the judges of the subordinate courts can be appointed by this service.

Points of arguments are raised for and against this suggestion:

i. It will provide services of intelligent and efficient officers to all over the country.


ii. It will create cadres of states and this will help the disposal of cases and fair justice by efferent officers.

iii. If necessary the services of officers can be available for a some other part of nation

iv. It will maintain a uniform level of service Against

v. Officers appointed may not be well aware of the customers, culture and socio-economic life of the place of appointment and so it may lead to ignorance in delivery of judgments
directive principle of 


i. The separation of judiciary from the executive will be dated.

ii. The hold of executives over the judiciary cannot be defined.

Transfer of judges promoters. Etc. May politicise even judiciary. It may be concluded that though judiciary should not fall in the lands of the executives and yet to create All India judicial service will be desirable and so selection and appointments at national level can be suggested.