The Impact of Information Communication Technology being realized day by day in India. There has been visible introduction of ICT across the country of one billion plus population. The first step towards the security in India was the setting up of a separate Department of Information Technology in the year 1998 with the purpose of making India a leading IT nation and clubbing it with the Ministry of Communications.

One of the hallmarks of the fledging Ministry was getting Parliament to enact the Information Technology Act 2000.

This Act gave the legal sanctity electronic commerce in the country and also provided for some basic laws and regulations to address the usage of the internet medium.

The National Information Board is the highest policy making body for cyber security. It was set up in the year 2002 and is chaired by National Security Advisor. It acts as the highest policy formulation body at the national level and periodically reports to the cabinet committee on security of the Government of India headed by the Prime Minister.


The NIB consists of 21 members and most of them are the secretaries of the Government of India of various Ministries. There are two organizations that support the NIB directly. The National Technology Research organization to provide technical cyber security and the intelligence.

The other organization is the National Security Council Secretariat (NSCS) for coordinating cyber-security activities across the country, covering both the public and private sectors. Directly below the NIB is the information infrastructure protection center, followed by state cyber police station.

Many of the states are actively considering setting up cyber police stations and cyber labs. NIB has also entrusted the National Security Council Secretariat with the role of working on cyber space security. The role of the department of Information Technology is also very important, as it acts as the public interface of the government with the general public and international community as for as IT policies in India are concerned. Some of the relevant initiatives and strategies of DIT over the years has been

i. Promotion of the internet and IT infrastructure


ii. Development of IT Act legislation and the proposed amendments.

iii. Promotion of standardization testing and quality in IT.

iv. Establishment of an Information Security Technology Development council etc.