101. The film enquiry committee was established in

(a) 1958

(b) 1951

(c) 1961


(d) 1971

102. ‘Sampling frame” means

(a) Defining sample unit and selecting units.

(b) Identification of target and accessible population.


(c) Preparing a complete list of the units of finite population for drawing a sample

(d) Fixing the sample size and drawing a sample

103. Youth movement should be based on the

(a) Cultural ideologies


(b) Social ideologies

(c) Ideologies of nation as a whole

(d) All of the above

104. In teenager groups, the group organisation is based on


(a) Education

(b) Age

(c) Physical shape

(d) Sex


105. Many students who form gangs come from

(a) Low income family

(b) Deprived sections

(b) Both a & b


(d) None of the above

106. Peer groups during adolescence are very significant specially in

(a) Eastern culture

(b) Western culture

(c) Indian culture

(d) For any culture

107. Play group give the experience in miniature form of the world of people of different

(a) Values

(b) Attitudes

(c) Background

(d) All of the above

108. In the gang there are rules for

(a) Governing behaviour

(b) Pass-words

(c) Handling

(d) All of the above

109. Play group of children are

(a) Partialy organised

(b) Unorganized

(c) Organized

(d) None of these

110. At the age of seven or eight years play group are generally

(a) Formal

(b) Informal

(c) Leadership oriented

(d) None of the above

111. The programme should satisfy the

(a) Individual needs of youth

(b) Psychological needs of youth

(c) National needs

(d) Cultural needs of society

112. At the age of 7-8 years play group children have well defined

(b) Not any type of leadership

(b) Leadership

(c) Leadership not well-defined

(d) None of the above

113. Play group of young children exercise a considerable influence on their

(a) Personality

(b) Religion

(c) Culture

(d) Society

114. Popularity and effectiveness may be due to

(a) The directors

(b) Cinema stars

(c) Strong, writers

(d) All of the above

115. Sometimes the gang use

(a) Drugs

(b) Germs

(c) Symbols

(d) All of the above

116. Play groups are useful in learning the

(a) Vocabulary of group

(b) Religion of group

(c) Status of group

(d) All of the above

117. The Cinema is a very popular and powerful agency and an effective instrument in modifying

(a) Habits

(b) Cultural value

(c) Human behaviour

(d) All of the above

118. In the opinion of the 1952-53 secondary education commission in our country, the special function of the secondary school is

(a) To equip students with adequate knowledge for further education

(b) To prepare students to join vocational courses, easily

(c) To train students to assume leadership responsibility in their community or locality

(d) To see that persons after secondary education address themselves to works of productivity

119. How many type of gang may be exist-

(a) One

(b) Four

(c) Three

(d) Two

120. The programmes of youth should provide opportunities of

(a) Responsibility

(b) Creative self-expression

(c) New experience

(d) All of the above

121. A play group becomes a gang when it begins to arouse disapprovals and opposition from-

(a) Society

(b) Adult

(c) Group

(d) School

122. The activity that is so aroused is called the

(a) Behaviour

(b) Response

(b) Stimulus

(d) Emotion

123. The process of opposition operates in the sense that

(a) It creates opposition between the Standards of conduct

(b) Community

(c) Of the Childs home

(d) All of the above

124. The cinema makes an appeal to

(a) Our senses

(b) Our religion

(c) Our habit

(d) Our culture

125. Youth movement should be

(a) National movement

(b) Social movement

(c) Regional movement

(d) None of the above

126. Individual is

(a) Social unit

(b) Psycho-physical organism

(c) Both a & b

(d) Psycho-active organism

127. It is necessary that commercial cinema have to change their

(a) Motives

(b) Playing to the gallery

(b) Money

(c) All of the above

128. Movie modify the behaviour pattern of

(a) Individual

(b) Nation

(c) Society

(d) Group

129. ‘Understanding Media’ written by

(a) Marshall McLuhan

(b) Subhash Chandra

(c) Rupert Murdoen

(d) Bill Gates

130. The chairman of film enquiry committee of 1951 was

(a) S.K. Patil

(b) Indira Gandhi

(c) Guru Dutta

(d) Smita Patil

131. In this materialistic world, materialistic values are

(a) Highly significant

(b) Significant for youth

(c) Little significant

(d) All of the above

132. The programme of youth should be flexible enough to allow for

(a) Individual growth

(b) Initiative

(c) Individual growth and initiative

(d) None of the above

133. Educational films possibilities……………..have great possibilities

(a) Is form of document

(b) In form of features

(c) In both form

(d) In commercial form

134. If the cinema is not put to the right use it will almost certainly be put to the

(a) Wrong one

(b) Right one

(c) Sometime wrong and some time right

(d) None of the above

135. Girls and boys at teenage age have

(a) Social group

(b) Separate group

(c) Same group

(d) Cultural group

136. Play group is homosexual at the age of

(a) 7-8 years

(b) 5-7 years

(c) 10 to 15 years

(d) Can’t say

137. The gang in which young boys is forcibly involved by older members in crimes by the use of threats and violence is called

(a) The criminal gang

(b) Conflict gang

(c) Drug gang

(d) None of the above

138. Children learn in play groups to

(a) Co-operate

(b) Conflict

(c) Competition

(d) All of the above

139. In gang which engages in illegal means of obtaining, encourages and develops in a locality in which youth gangs are connected to old offenders is

(a) Criminal gangs

(b) Some other types

(c) Drug gangs

(d) Conflict gangs

140. In age group of 7-9 yrs the group leadership is done by

(a) Boys

(b) Girls

(c) Both a & b

(d) None of these

141. Youth organisation can include among their programmes on

(a) Human behaviour

(b) Interpersonal relationship

(c) International understanding

(d) All of the above

142. Among the things it is often the business of the school to do what other agencies have left undone. This referred to as the

(a) Primary function

(b) Unique function

(c) Residual function

(d) Delegated function

143. Girls and boys at the age of 7-9 years get ________ chances to participate in play activities

(a) Unequally

(b) Equally

(c) Girls can’t play in groups

(d) Can’t say anything

144. The Heuristic method of teaching any subject insists on

(a) The survey of a situation for arriving at conclusion

(b) Self experimentation for observation and discovery

(c) Quantification of problems and planning for their solutions

(d) Verification of facts through exploration and analysis.

145. The cinema stars, the directors etc. are effective because they are

(a) Have a lot of wealth

(b) All known people

(c) Have great social prestige

(d) All of the above

146. The members of gang may be engaged in

(a) Loitaring around

(b) Drinking

(c) Smoking

(d) All of the above

147. Play group provide training in

(a) leadership

(b) Serving

(c) Society

(d) Organisation

148. If youth organisations have been properly organized and their programmes are well planned they can help in character building of the

(a) Nation

(b) Society

(c) Youth

(d) All of the above

149. Aristotle’s philosophy of education declared that the end of education was

(a) Attainment of spiritual bliss and salvation

(b) In case in the life based attainment of knowledge and skills.

(c) Attainment of happiness through moral and intellectual virtues.

(d) Service to the society through moral and to sacrifice.

150. Physical, social, aesthetic and cultural education can be impacted by the provision of corresponding

(a) Organization

(b) Activity of youth movement

(c) Religion of society

(d) Can’t say anything


101. (b)

102. (c)

103. (d)

104. (b)

105. (c)

106. (b)

107. (d)

108. (d)

109. (b)

110. (b)


112. (c)

113. (a)

114. (d)

115. (d)

116. (a)

117. (d)

118. (c)

119. (c)

120. (d)

121. (b)

122. (b)

123. (a)

124. (a)

125. (a)

126. (b)

127. (a)

128. (a)

129. (a)

130. (a)


132. (c)

133. (c)

134. (a)

135. (b)

136. (c)

137. (b)

138. (a)

139. (a)

140. (c)


142. (d)

143. (b)

144. (b)

145. (d)

146. (d)

147. (a)

148. (d)

149. (b)

150. (b)