Earth: A compound secured from pituitary gland, used specially the treatment of arthritis. ‘-” m

Antitode: A medicine given to destroy poisonous effects.

Antidote: A medicine which contracts the issues of the body

Autopsy: Dissection of the body after death-post mortem.


Blood Groups: Human blood is classified into various groups. Dari transfusion of blood it is essential to know the blood group of the don18 and receiver. Unless the group is identical transfusion is harmful.

Blood Transfusion: Transferring of blood from one person to another

Blood Bank: A store house of blood plasma where it remains grouped and ready for emergency transfusion.

Cartilage: A non-vascular elastic tissue softer than the bone.


Gastric: Pertaining to the stomach.

Germicide: A germ killing substance.

Gynecology: Branch of treatment that is concerned with disease peculiar to women.

Homosexuality: Sexual perversion towards one of the same sex.


Hemorrhage: Loss of blood.

Hormones : A specific organic product of the cell of one part, as of the adrenal glands, transported in the body fluid or the sap of an organism and producing a specific effect on the activity of cell removed from source; an internal secretion.

Injection: feeding of medicine or food with the help of syringe.

Insecticide: Chemical preparation to kill unwanted insects etc.


Immunity: Resistance to poison or more usually to infection.

Metabolism: The chemical changes whereby food is changed into living matter, and also the transformation by which energy is made available for use of organism.

Neuralgia: A nerve pain which may arise from disorder of an organ distant from the painful area.

Neurosis: A nervous disorder affecting the action but not the structure of nervous system specially one caused by mental influences and not directly traceable to physical injury.


Obstetrics: That part of medical science which deals with the study and care of women during pregnancy and child birth and care of new born child.

Obesity: Excessive fatness.

Plastic Surgery: Surgery dealing with the repair or restoration of damaged or lost parts of the body.

Protoplasm: Essential part of the living cell.


Radio Therapy: Treatment of disease with X-rays or other forms of radiation.

Toxemia: Poison in the blood.

Wassermann test: Blood test for syphilis.