Wool needs special care in laundering because of its tendency to shrink or stretch. Woolen fibers have rough scales which are softened by moisture, heat and alkalis. These softened scales interlock when friction is applied and these results in shrinking. The texture of the fiber is affected by the use of alkalis. Hence in washing woolen garments, friction should not be used and excessive heat and alkalis should be avoided. If the water is hard, it could be softened by using a few drops of ammonia.

1. Preparation

The surface dust should be shaken out. The outline of the garment should then be marked on a newspaper before commencing the washing process

2. Steeping


Wool loses its strength when wet. Hence, woolen garments should not be steeped. Very dirty ones may be steeped for a few minutes in warm, soft water.

3. Washing

In laundering woolen articles, both the washing and the rinsing water should be prepared before the garments are wetted. The washing water should be luke warm (95-100°F), and the articles should be washed by kneading and squeezing only. Soiled parts can be attended to by patting extra soap solution over them until the dirt is removed.

4. Rinsing


The temperature of the rinsing water should be the same as that of the washing water. Sufficient quantities of rinsing water should be kept ready, as thorough rinsing is essential. If soap is left in the fabric, it will damage it and give out a bad smell. A little citric acid may be added to the last rinsing water. The water should be squeezed out by pressing the garment between the palms. A wringer may be used for heavy woolen articles.

5. Drying

After removing the moisture, the garment should be placed on the newspaper on which its outline had been marked and pulled back to its original shape, having the outline as a guide. Woolen articles should not be dried in the sun since the texture of the fabric is affected by heat. Hence washed woolen clothes should be dried in a shady place. Heavy and large articles could be hung for drying, but small and delicate articles should be dried on a flat surface.

6. Finishing


Woolens in general are finished by pressing while slightly damp. If dry, damped muslin can be placed over them and pressed. A hot iron should not be used. Woven fabrics may be ironed lightly.

7. Airing

The articles should be thoroughly aired before storing.