Educational psychology deals with student’s behaviour. Educational psychology, per se, is mainly concerned with two types of motivation.

(i) Positive Motivation:

This type of motivation is also called as intrinsic motivation. Here the arousal of tendency to act is instigated by the needs within the child. The child gets satisfaction and feels happy from his activities. Praise, games and sports and other social, physiological, emotional motivations can be included in this group. A teacher can make his teaching effective by including these positive motivations in his teaching package.

(ii) Negative Motivation:


This is also known as extrinsic motivation in which the arousal of tendency to act is instigated by the external influence. Insult, punishment and other such motivation can be included in this category. Pressey, Robinson and Horrocks hold the view that extrinsic or negative motivation is inferior from that of intrinsic or positive motivation.