Iqbal was a philosopher, poet and a political leader. He got elected to the Punjab legislative assembly in 1927 and became the President of Allahabad session of Muslim League in 1930.

Initially, he was great supporter of Hindu-Muslim unity. Later he became advocated of the separate state of Pakistan. In addition to his political activism, Iqbal was considered a foremost Muslim thinker of his date. His poetry and philosophy written in Urdu stressed the rebirth of Islamic and spiritual redemption through individual freedom, moral integrity and self development. His works include “the secret of the Self, Nala-i-Yatim (viels of an orphan), Himala, Shikwa, Howab-i-Shikera, Ashar-i-khundi, Jabur-i-Azam.

Iqbal symbolized certain approaches. Firstly, Iqbal wanted the youth to stand up and boldly face up the challenges. Secondly, Iqbal considered Quran not only as book of religion but a coherent system of principles on which life must be organized. He considered that Quran provides perfect harmony, balance and stability in the society. He firmly opposed theocracy. Thirdly, he was against Muslim alienation after World War I and especially at hands of communal elements.

Iqbal became perhaps the single major influence in sharpening the feelings of Muslim segregation on the basis of tradition, culture, history and religion. In 1930, at his presidential address at Allahabad session of Muslim League he argued that the principle of European democracy could not be applied in India without recognizing the fact the communal groups. Thus, he voiced concern for an independent Muslim State.


He specified, the territory of Pakistan by saying “I would like to see Punjab, NWFP, Sindh and Baluchistan amalgamated into a single state being called Indian Muslim State. He was at pains to state that the creation of separate state for Muslim was in the best interest of India and Islam. For India, it meant unity and peace and for Islam, it meant an opportunity to rid itself of Arabian stamp. But Iqbal’s Pakistan was a separate State on the basis of linguistic infirmity.

Iqbal became of his ideas stands out as poet and philosopher working such a miracle in shaping the destiny of his people.