It is a rare clinical condition in which there is segmental damage on one side of the spinal cord (hemisection) due to traumatic injury, or compression of extra medullary tumors.

(I) At the level of the lesion the effects include:

(i) radicular pain and parasthesia due to damage of spinal segment and dorsal nerve root,

(ii) flaccid paralysis of the ipsilateral muscles due to damage to the ventral root.


(2) Below the level of the lesion, the effects include

(i) Ipsilateral loss of position and vibratory senses, disturbances of stereognosis and tactile discrimination below the level of lesion due to damage of posterior funiculus’,

(ii) Ipsilateral spastic paralysis with exaggerated tendon reflexes and positive Babinski sign due to damage to the pyramidal tracf,

(iii) Contra-lateral and segmental loss of pain one of two segments below the level of lesion due to damage of the lateral spinothalamine tract.