It consists of Sikkim, Darjeeling area (West Bengal), Arunachal Pradesh, Assam hills,Nagaland, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram and Tripura. It is characterised by rugged topography, thick forest cover and sub-humid climate (rainfall over 200 cm; temperature July 25°C-33°C, January 11°C-24°C).

The soil is brownish, thick layered and less fertile. Shifting cultivation (Jhum) is practised in nearly 1/ 3 of the cultivated area and food crops are raised mainly for sustenance. Rice, potato, maize, tea and fruits (orange, pine-apple, lime, lichi etc.) are the main crops. The ecological system of the region is problematic.

The region needs marked improvement in infrastructural facilities to accelerate the pace of development. Soil degradation should be arrested by controlling deforestation and by terracing in hills.

The run-off should be checked and water conserved should be utilised in minor irrigation. Shifting culti­vation should be controlled by encouraging perma­nent settlement. A programme to grow fruits above 30% slopes in the hills needs to be framed.


Support­ing activities of sericulture, handicrafts poultry, and piggery etc. should be promoted. A long term quality seed production plan should be implemented to assure adequate supply of quality seeds to the farm­ers.