Now-a-days solar cookers are available & these can be used in hotels. One of solar cooker is of box type.

It consists of a rectangular enclosure insulated on the bottom and sides and having two glass covers on the top, solar addition enters through the top and heats up the enclosure in which the food to be cooked is placed in shallow vessels.

Temperature around 100°C can be obtained on sunny days & pulses rice; vegeta­bles etc. can readily be cooked. The time taken for cooking is 1/2 to 2 hours.

A single glass reflector whose inclination can be varied is attached to the box type cooker sometimes. The addition of the mirror helps in achieving enclosure temperature which is higher by about 15° C to 20° C. As a result the Cooking time is reduced.


Advantages are:

(a) Simple to use

(b) Requires little attention

Disadvantages are:


(a) It cannot be used for making chapattis.

(b) It cannot be used for frying items like purees.