8 Essentials of Group Decision Making

1. Preliminary preparation needed to make the process more systematic and productive. Agenda setting becomes the focus of such planning.

2. The meeting atmosphere should be congenial and provide a backdrop for frank and free discussion. This is especially true for enhancing participation from among lower managerial levels.

3. Increased participation is a logical fall-out from the foregoing and all participants should be motivated to contribute meaningfully during meetings.


4. Presentation of ideas should not attract criticism or division of any kind.

5. Objectivity includes the feeling among the participants that the ideas presented would be purely based on merit.

6. Organisation and evaluation of ideas within a laid-down time frame is an imperative; which calls for strict observance of the specific agenda.

7. Prioritization of alternatives in decision – making is an important fact and should draw upon ideas from all participants.


8. Documentation and achieving of ideas presented, alternatives and decisions, assist in continuity and information access at a later date.