601. Excessive inhalation of manganese causes:

A. Gout

B. Pneumonia

C. Diphtheria


D. Anemia

602. Which one of the following pesticide is banned now-a-days?

A. Isoprene



C. Endrin

D. Aldrin

603. Which disease in children is caused by intensive use of nitrate fertilizer?

A. Mumps


B. Septicemia

C. Methemoglobinemia

D. Jaundice

604. Photochemical smog is due to:


A. Rapid increase in concentration of C02

B. Presence of high humidity in atmosphere

C. Depletion of ozone layer

D. Rapid builds up of dust particles, pollutants and thermal inversion


605. In metropolitan cities main source of pollution is:

A. Leakage of gas from factories

B. LPG cooking gas

C. Smoke of coal


D. Exhaust of automobiles

606. Acid rains occur due to:

A. Presence of CO2

B. Presence of CO and CO2

C. Presence of N2

D. Presence of SO2 and SO3

607. The pollutant released from motor vehicles:

A. CO2


C. NO2

D. None of these

608. Ozone day is observed on:

A. January 30

B. April 21

C. September 16

D. December 25

609. Increasing skin cancer and higher mutation rates are generally the consequences of:

B. Ozone depletion

D. Acid rains

C. Ozone Biome

610. Sudden mass death of fishes from oxygen depletion is more likely in case of:

A. Eutrophic lake

B. Mesotrophic Lake

C. Oligotrophic lake

D. Oxalotrophic lake

611. Acid rains occur when atmosphere is heavily polluted with:

A. CO, CO2

B. Smoke particles

C. Ozone

D. SO and NO2

612. Sewage drained into water bodies kill fishes because:

A. Excessive CO2 is added in water

B. It gives off a bad smell

C. It removes the competition with fishes to dissolve CO2

D. It increases the competition with fishes to dissolve oxygen

613. Which one among the following chemicals is used for causing defoliation of forest trees?

A. Amo 1628

B. Phosphon D

C. Malic hydiazide

D. 2, 4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid

614. Warm ocean 5-8 years or so in the East Pacific of South America is widely known as:

A. Magnox

B. Gulf Stream

C. El Nino

D. Aye Aye

615. Which of the following gases also adds to green-house effect besides C02?

A. SO2

B. NH3

C. Nitrous oxide


616. Atmosphere absorbs maximum amount of:

A. Visible light

B. Near ultraviolet light

C. Far ultraviolet light

D. Infra-red waves

617. Water pollution:

A. increases oxygenation

B. decreases turbidity

C. increases turbidity and oxygenation

D. increases photorespiration

618. The noise pollution is measured in:

A. Decibel (dB)

B. Fathoms

C. Tonnes

D. Kilograms (kg)

619. Which of the following radiations is non- ionizing and has more specific biological effect than others?

A. X-rays

B. (3 (beta) rays

C. y (gamma) rays

D. Ultraviolet rays

620. Symptoms such as headache, ulcers, high blood pressure, fatigue and nausea are due to:

A. Noise pollution

B. Air pollution

C. Radiation pollution

D. Water pollution

621. Electrostatic precipitator is for:

A. Control of water pollution

B. Control of air pollution

C. Both of these

D. None of these

622. Lichens are indicators of:

A. Water pollution

B. Air pollution

C. Radiation pollution

D. Noise pollution

623. Radiation pollution can be controlled by:

A. Cyclone collector

B. Electrostatic precipitator

C. Plate type precipitator

D. Strict enforcement of safety measures

624. Symptoms of radiation are:

A. Hair loss and anaemia

B. Nausea and anaemia

C. Skin irritation

D. Skin irritation, hair loss, nausea, and anaemia

625. Polluted water will most commonly contain:

A. E. coli

B. E. histolytica

C. Vibro cholarae

D. Bacillus typhi

626. In contrast to tap water, BOD of pond water which is polluted by sewage waste will have:

A. Higher BOD

B. Lower BOD

C. Similar BOD

D. Slightly lower BOD

627. The most dangerous metal pollutant of automobile exhaust is:

A. Cadmium

B. Mercury

C. Copper

D. Lead

628. The major contributor of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere is:

A. Russia


C. Brazil

D. Germany

629. A smoother crop is the one which:

A. Does not require much irrigation

B. Is easy to reap

C. Does not allow the weeds to grow

D. Is immune to most diseases

630. If large quantities domestic sewage is continuously emptied into a small stream, it leads to:

A. Depletion of oxygen content in stream water

B. Enrichment of oxygen content in stream water

C. Depletion of nutrients in the stream water

D. Increase in the total amount of life in the stream water

631. Ozone layer is thickest over:

A. Arctic

B. Antarctic


D. Australia

632. There is a hole in ozone layer. This ozone hole is maximum over:

A. India

B. Europe

C. America

D. Australia

633. Which of the following is poisonous gas from exhaust of automobiles?

A. SO2

B. CO2


D. Helium

634. “Heat Islands” are produced due of:

A. Air pollution

B. Water pollution

C. Land pollution

D. All of the above

635. Biodegradable pollutant is:

A. Plastic

B. Asbestos

C. Sewage

D. All of these

636. Which of the following radioactive isotopes is used in the detection of thyroid cancer?

A. Iodine-131

B. Carbon-14

C. Uranium-238

D. Phosphorus-32

637. Which of the following are the natures’s cleaner:

A. Producers

B. Consumers

C. Symbionts

D. Decomposers and scavengers

638. Noise pollution is measured in:

A. Decibels

B. Tonnes

C. Pikograms

D. Kilograms

639. The basic component of the smog may be:

A. O3


C. O3 and PAN

D. PAN and PBN

640. Measurement of the rate of O2 consumption in unit volume of water over a period of time is done to find out:

A. Biogas generation

B. Biological oxygen demand

C. Biosynthetic pathways

D. Fermentation

641. Carbon monoxide is a major pollutant of:

A. Water

B. Air

C. Noise

D. Soil

642. “Minamata” disease is produced due to the pollution of water with:

A. Silver nitrate

B. Mercuric chloride

C. Methyl isocyanate

D. Crude oil

643. Acid rain is:

A. A natural phenomenon

B. Limited to industrial area

C. Due to excess S02 in the atmosphere

D. Due to excess C02 in the atmosphere

644. This is referred to as B.O.D.:

A. Blood oxygen deficit

B. Basic oxygen demand

C. Body oxygen demand

D. Biological oxygen demand

645. Eutrophication results in the reduction of:

A. Mineral salts

B. Dissolved hydrogen

C. Dissolved oxygen

D. None of these

646. Acid rains occur in areas where:

A. Citrus plants are grown

B. There are large plantations of eucalyptus

G There are large plantations of pine trees

D. There are big industries and the atmosphere is polluted with S02

647. Pollution in big cities can be controlled to a large extent by:

A. Proper sewage and exit of chemicals from the factories

B. Widening the roads and locating the factories away from the city

C. Cleanliness drive and balanced use of pesticides

D. All of the above

648. The pollutants released by jet planes are:

A. Aerosols

B. Colloids

C. Smog

D. None of these

649. Often in water bodies subjected to sewage pollution, fish die because of the:

A. Reduction in dissolved oxygen caused by microbial activity

B. Pathogens released by the sewage

C. Foul smell

D. Clogging of their gills by solid substances

650. A disease caused by eating fish contaminated by industrial waste containing mercury compounds is known as:

A. Minamata disease

B. Osteosclerosis

C. Bright’s disease

D. Hashimoto’s disease