101. Match the authors with their respective books.

(A) Robert K. Merton

(i) The Structure of Society

(B) Emile Durkheim


(ii) The Rules of Socio­ logical Method

(C) Talcott Parsons

(iii) Social Theory and Social Structure

(D) Radcliffe Brown


(iv) The Structure of Social Action

(E) Marion J. Levy

(v) Structure and Function in Primitive Society

(a) A-iii, B-ii, C-iv, D-v, E-i


(b) A-ii, B-iv, C-iii, D-i, E-v

(c) A-iv, B-v, C-i, D-ii, E-iii

(d) A-v, B-i, C-ii, D-iv, E-iii

102. Who founded the Sociology Society of London?


(a) Patrick Geddes

(b) Radcliffe Brown

(c) Victor Branford

(d) Herbert Spencer


103. Match the following

(A) Gemeinschaft

(i) Association

(B) Gesellschaft


(ii) Social Sciences


(iii) Natural Sciences chaften

(D) Naturwissensch

(iv) Community

(a) A-iv, B-i, C-iii, D-ii

(b) A-iv, B-ii, C-i, D-iii

(c) A-ii, B-i, C-iv, D-iii

(d) A-iv, B-i, C-ii, D-iii

104. Who made a distinction between community and association in his book ‘Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft’, 1887?

(a) C P. Loomis

(b) F. Tonnies

(c) Theodor Geiger

(d) Max Weber

105. Gemeinschaft was termed by Tonnies as ‘Community of Fate’. Can you recall the term used by Tonnies for Gesellschaft?

(a) Community of convenience

(b) Specific relationships

(c) Community of will

(d) Community of compromise

106. _______ is a term used to denote the organic structures as it is determined by heredity, precisely the genes,

(a) Genotype

(b) Phenotype

(c) Selective breeding

(d) b or c

107. __________ is a term used to denote the organic structures as determined by genetic factors and other factors, which will be environmental.

(a) Genotype

(b) Phenotype

(c) Selective breeding

(d) a or c

108. Franklin Henry Giddings, and American sociologist, had many contributions to his credit. Identity which is NOT his contribution.

(a) He distinguished between social statics, social kinetics and social dynamics

(b) He formulated a law of social change

(c) He helped to found the neo-positivist school

(d) He helped to redefine Marxism

109. Any number of people, larger or smaller between whom such relations are discovered that they must be thought of together, can be viewed as a/an

(a) Group

(b) Organisation

(c) Association

(d) Community

110. The investigation of the manner in which adductive changes occurring in a small social group as a whole are the product of the changes in any part of the group is known as

(a) Group dynamics

(b) Social interaction

(c) Group solidarity

(d) Social change

111. C.H. Cooley distinguished between primary and secondary groups. Another noted sociologist associated with group studies explored the implication of dyadic relationships and compared them with tragic ones. He also discussed the nature of super ordinate and subordinate relationships, the characteristics of secret societies and other social phenomena at the micro- sociological level.

(a) Kurt Lewin

(b) J.C. Moreno

(c) J. Klein

(d) George Simmel

112. Who is known as the French Sorokin?

(a) Emile Durkheim

(b) Georges Gurvitch

(c) W.W. Rostow

(d) Morris Ginsberg

113. Hermeneutics means

(a) Explaining

(b) Ordering

(c) Classification

(d) Organisation

114. Which term describes a theory according to which the essence of the phenomena of society and culture consists in their dynamic and developmental character?

(a) Historicism

(b) Existential

(c) Cultural specific

(d) Rationality

115. Who wrote The Poverty of Historicism (1957)?

(a) Karl Popper

(b) Karl Marx

(c) Karl Manheim

(d) William Dilthey

116. The celebrated dictum that “the life of man is ‘solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short,’ while the ‘condition of man __________ is a condition of war of everyone against everyone”, is assigned to which great philosopher?

(a) Thomas Hobbes

(b) J.S. Mill

(c) Plato

(d) Locke

117. Match the books with their authors.

(A) The American

(i) G.C. Homans Soldier

(B) The Human

(ii) Thomas Hobbes Group

(C) The Leviathan

(iii) Hobhouse

(D) Principles of Socology

(iv) S.A Stouffer

(a) A-iv, B-i, C-iii, D-ii

(b) A-i, B-iii, C-ii, D-iv

(c) A-iii, B-i, C-ii, D-iv

(d) A-iv, B-i, C-ii, D-iii

118. The book The Material Culture and Social Institutions of the Simpler Peoples’, 1951 is a celebrated book. It is a comparative study of over 400 societies to show that development of social institutions is correlated with changing economic conditions. Identify its authors.

(a) Hobhouse, Kant and Miller

(b) Hobhouse, Ginsberg and Wheeler

(c) Durkheim and Marcel Mauss

(d) Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau

119. The doctrine that in order to understand some phenomenon it is necessary to understand it in its entirety i.e. one must know the whole, is best captured by the term

(a) Historicism

(b) Progressivism

(c) Holism


120. Who wrote ‘Patterns of Culture’?

(a) Margaret Mead

(b) Ruth Benedict

(c) Kroeber

(d) Dubois

121. Max Weber used the term ‘Verstehen’ to denote the interpretative understanding of actor’s social action. Who is associated with the term ‘interpretative sociology’?

(a) Howard S. Becker

(b) Leopold V. Wiese

(c) Both a & b

(d) Neither a nor b

122. Which group of social scientists could be associated with the concept of bureaucracy?

(a) Durkheim, Marx, Merton, Weber

(b) Marx, Spencer, Merton, Mosca

(c) Michels, Weber, Parsons, Comte

(d) Mosca, Michels, Weber, Merton

123. The form of authority enjoyed by Gandhi, Hitler, Lenin, Margtin Luther King could be termed as

(a) Charismatic

(b) Traditional

(c) A blend of charismatic and traditional

(d) A blend of charismatic and rational legal

124. Which is NOT a feature of capitalism?

(a) Free market operations

(b) Maximization of profit

(c) Free labour

(d) Dominance of public sector over private sector.

125. The ‘invisible hand’ of the free market is most often used in reference to __________ form of society

(a) Capitalist

(b) Socialist

(c) Communist

(d) None of these

126. A system in which wealth was acquired by the financing of wars in the expectation of booty, is termed by Weber as

(a) Booty capitalism

(b) Colonial capitalism

(c) State capitalism

(d) None

127. Who suggested that democracy in its clearest form can occur only under capitalism?

(a) Marx

(b) Durkheim

(c) Weber

(d) Merton

128. What is routinisation of charisma?

(a) A transformation of charismatic into institutionalised leadership

(b) A continuation of charismatic leadership for a long time

(d) Dominance of charismatic form of authority in any given period

(d) Formalisation of charismatic authority

129. A rational legal form of authority is based primarily on a set of abstract rules, while in traditional form of authority the power flows on the basis of tradition. What is the main source of a charismatic leader?

(a) Coercion and dominance

(b) Coercion and persuasion

(c) Dominance and persuasion

(d) Personality, conviction and persuasion

130. Generally civilization tends to be equated with high culture. But sometimes culture is not identified with civilization but instead is contrasted, in the sense that the latter is a more complex social phenomenon, including the organization of material and technological qualities as well as the beliefs, art forms, literature and the body of ideas and values of people; which more specifically is spoken of as culture. Who contrasted between civilization and culture and termed ‘civilization as a process’?

(a) Alfred Weber

(b) Max Weber

(c) Tylor

(d) Ogburn

131. Who distinguished two patterns of speech naming them elaborated and restricted codes?

(a) B. Bernstein

(b) Maclver

(c) Johnson

(d) None of these

132. The method of comparing different societies or groups within the same society to show whether and why they are similar of different in certain respects (for e.g. Durkheim’s and Weber’s methods) is referred to as

(a) Social survey

(b) Observation

(c) Comparative method

(d) None of these

133. Who pioneered the method of multivariate analysis in sociology?

(a) Karl Marx

(b) Emile Durkheim

(c) Max Weber

(d) Robert K. Merton

134. French philosopher, moralist arid sociologist, he collaborated with Saint Simon from 1817 to 1823 and corresponded with J.S. Mill. He divided sociology into social statics and social dynamics and elaborated the law of the three stages of human thought: theological, metaphysical and positive. Can you identify who among the following matches the above description?

(a) August Comte

(b) Herbert Spencer

(c) Montesquieu

(d) A.N. Whitehead

135. A concept is

(a) A notion

(b) An idea

(c) A descriptive property or relation

(d) All of these

136. The fallacy of confusing other types of entities with actually existing entities is called the fallacy of misplaced concreteness. This fallacy according to some is pernicious, as it has been responsible for considerable error in philosophical theorizing. Who coined the above described ideas?

(a) A.N. Whitehead

(b) Talcott Parsons

(c) R.K. Merton

(d) None of these

137. When two individuals compete peacefully for the control of limited resources, the situation can be termed as that of

(a) Competition

(b) Conflict

(c) Bargaining

(d) Cooperation

138. When two individuals with conflicting interest struggle over the terms of an exchange, the situation can be termed as that of

(a) Competition

(b) Conflict

(c) Cooperation

(d) Bargaining

139. According to whom has industrial conflict become institutionalized i.e., confined within a particular institutional context?

(a) Lockwood

(b) Lewis Coser

(c) Gluckman

(d) Dahrendorf

140. Identify the correct group representing conflict theorists.

(a) Marx, Dahrendorf, Coser, Lockwood, Durkheim

(b) Marx, Dahrendorf, Gluckman, Coser, Malinowski.

(c) Marx, Coser, Gluckman, Lockwood, Comte

(d) Marx, Dahrendorf, Coser, Lockwood, Gluckman

141. Who introduced the term kinship for Consanguineal relationships, and distinguished it from Affinal relationships?

(a) B. Malinowski

(b) A.R. Radcliffe Brown

(c) S.F. Nadel

(d) Kroeber

142. The term denotes thought and action which are conscious in accord with the rules of
logic and empirical knowledge, where objective are coherent, mutually consistent and achieved by the most appropriate means. Which term is referred to here?

(a) Behaviour pattern

(b) Rationality

(c) Empiricism

(d) Methodology

143. In British sociology L.T. Hobhouse incorporated the notion of rationality in its widest sense into his theory of human development as an organic principle which harmonized all aspects of individual and social life. Who do you think has been responsible for the most extensive use of the term in sociology?

(a) Marx Weber

(b)W.G. Sumner

(c) Karl Marx

(d)Talcott Parsons

144. _________ are repeated offenders who neither learn to avoid detection nor are deterred from committing further offences either by conviction or the sentences they receive

(a) Juvenile Delinquents

(b) Criminals

(c) Recidivists

(d) Terrorists

145. Any doctrine that seeks to explain a higher order phenomenon in terms of a lower order one would be called

(a) Nominalism

(b) Reductionism

(c) Methodological individualism

(d) Formalism

146. Match the following.

(A) Little Tradition

(i) Robert Redfield Great Tradition

(B) Reference Group

(ii) Arnold Van Gennep

(C) Relative Deprivation

(iii) Muzafer Sherif Deprivation

(D)Rites de passage

(iv) S.A. Stouffer


(a) (i) (ii) (iv) ‘(iii)

(b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(c) (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)

(d) (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)

147. Who coined the term role-handicap?

(a) Linton

(b) G.H. Mead

(c) H.D. Kirk

(d) W. Burchard

148. _________ is the term used to denote the collection of information and the drawing of inferences about a population or universe from an examination of only part thereof,

(a) Survey

(b) Opinion Poll

(c) Sampling

(d) Enumeration

149. A means of enforcing a rule or law which may be positive or negative i.e. it may take the form of a reward or a punishment is known as a/an

(a) Order

(b) Enforcement

(c) Verdict

(d) Sanction

150. Who wrote the famous book ‘On the Nature and Causes of Wealth of Nations’?

(a) Adam Smith

(b) T.H. Marshall

(c) J.S. Mill

(d) C.W. Mills


101.(a) 102. (a) 103. (d) 104. (b) 105. (c)

106. (a). 107. (b) 108. (d) 109. (a) 110(a)

111.(b) 112. (b) 113. (a) 114. (a) 115. (a)

116. (a) 117. (d) 118. (b) 119. (c) 120(b)

121.(a) 122. (d) 123. (a) 124. (d) 125. (a)

126. (a) 127. (c) 128. (a) 129. (d) 130. (a)

131.(a) 132. (c) 133. (b) 134. (b) 135. (b)

136. (a) 137. (a) 138. (d) 139. (d) 140.(d)

141.(b) 142. (b) 143. (a) 144. (c) 145. (b)

146. (c) 147. (c) 148. (c) 149. (d) 150(a)