An ideal student is an asset to the country. An ideal student has some extraordinary qualities. He is exceptionally intelligent and hardworking. He is not bookish but original.

He presents a smiling face to everybody. He has charming manners and a winsome personality. He is regular and punctual. He is obedient to his parents and teachers. He never gives his teachers a cause for complaint.

He takes part in scouting, games and sports. He is a good speaker and writer. He is an all rounder. He possesses traits of leadership. He is promising and has a sunny temperament. He is truthful. He has some great ambition in life and tries hard to attain it at all costs and risks.

Mr. Vinod is the most ideal boy of our school. He is my most intimate friend. We both study in the 10th class. I love him for his scholarship, for his sincerity and for his rare qualities of head and heart. He is superior to me in everything. I marvel at his unbounded capacity for work. He works like a machine and with the ardour of a steam engine. He is very thorough in his work. He never does things half heartedly. He often says to me that the only sin on earth is to do things badly.


He is a genius in Mathematics. He can solve any problems in Geometry. He is a first class poet. His self-composed poems are very much appreciated by one and all. He can compose both in Hindi and English.

His English poem was published in the illustrated Weekly last week. How grand! Everybody in the school feels proud of him. He is very simple in habits and dress. He never gives himself airs. He never mixes with bad boys and seldom goes to the pictures. He daily goes to the Public Library to read a good book or a magazine. He reads the papers daily and is very well informed.

He is bold and fearless. He is never afraid of confessing his faults and short comings. He is self-assertive. He has got guts. Excellence is his motto in life. The students look upon him as their leader. He takes an active part in social activities. He can speak extempore. He speaks with eloquence. His arguments are forceful and convincing. He always carries his point.

The Headmaster sometimes calls him to his office and gives him a pat and a cheer. The Headmaster is rightly proud of him. He expects him to be a great man one day.