1. Write short notes on cyclic photophosphorylation.

2. Write a short note on Krebs’ cycle or citric acid cycle.

3. What is meant by Plant Succession? Discuss the phenomenon in relation to a drying pond giving different successional stages.

4. Discuss photoperiodism and flowering.


5. Write short notes on the following:

(a) Colchicine and EMS.

(b) ß -oxidation.

6. Distinguish between growth movements and stomatal movements.


7. Classify and characterise phytohormones.

8. Explain Biogeochemical Cycles. Describe the hydrological cycle in detail.

9. Write short notes on the following:

(a) Growth regulators


(b) Photoperiodism

(c)Controlled storage of seeds

10. What is mineral deficiency?

11. What are the deficiency symptoms of the following minerals?


(a) Nitrogen (b) Zinc

(c) Calcium (d) Iron

12. Discuss the mechanism of nitrogen fixation by the leguminous plants. How the nitrogen fixation is measured?

13. Write short notes on:


(a) MPF (b) Coenzymes

(c) Fermentation (d) Vernalization

14. Describe the importance of studying stress physiology of plants growing under adverse conditions.

15. Describe the molecular basis of fruit ripening. How has our understanding of this process helped in fruit marketing?


16. Write short notes on:

(a) Water potential (b) Senescence

(c) Endemism (d) Acid rain

(e) Testing for seed viability

17. Explain C4 photosynthetic carbon pathway.

18. Explain the biochemical changes that occur in photysystem I and photosystem II of photosynthesis.

19. What are Auxins? Explain the physiological effects of Auxins.

20. Explain the uses of plant growth substances in Agriculture and Horticulture.

21. Write short notes on:

(a) CAM Pathway (b) Phytochrome (c) Gibberellins

22. Explain the molecular basis of fruit ripening and show how fruit ripening is manipulated.

23. Explain the physiology of nitrogen metabolism.

24. Explain the mechanism of photorespiration in plants.

25. Describe the biochemical process by which two molecules of ATP are produced from one molecule of glucose. Mention the names of the participating enzymes.

26. Discuss the role of mitochondrion for pyruvic acid oxidation.

27. What are the physiological changes associated with plant senescence? Add a note on senescence-retarding hormones.

28. Enumerate the ethylene-induced responses in plants. What are the commercial uses of ethylene?

29. Write short notes on:

(a) Antitranspirants

(b) Chemiosmotic theory

(c) Plant succession

(d) Photorespiration

(e) Photophosphorylation

30. Trace the path of carbon in C3 plants during photosynthesis.

31. Explain how Hatch and Slack pathway in C4 plants in integrated with Calvin cycle.

32. Discuss various physiological changes occurring in plants due to water stress.

33. Examine the role of plant growth hormones in floral induction.

34. Illustrate different pathways in fixation of dinitrogen by microorganisms.

35. Describe step-wise various reactions involved in the process of photosynthesis.