Tag Archives | time

Short essay on Time is a Tyrant

Today, we are slaves of speed and success syndrome. No sermons are strong enough to dissuade us to spare some moments from our busy schedule, to sit or stand and stare at the supreme beauty that nature unfolds away from the maddening crowds.

By |2011-05-12T12:43:34+00:00May 12, 2011|Short Essays|Comments Off on Short essay on Time is a Tyrant

How to use Leisure time?

If one works very hard and continuously, one naturally feels tired. Our minds begin to wander, and we feel unable to fix our attention on work.

By |2011-04-14T09:59:00+00:00April 14, 2011|How To|Comments Off on How to use Leisure time?

Paragraph on a stitch in time saves nine

In one takes action or does a piece of work immediately, it will save a lot of extra work later. When one notices a problem, he should act immediately and take the necessary steps to correct it. Otherwise, the problem will assume serious proportions and one will be forced to spend a lot of time, energy and money to mend the thing.

By |2011-04-10T13:14:43+00:00April 10, 2011|Paragraphs|Comments Off on Paragraph on a stitch in time saves nine

Essay on the Importance of Time

Time is said to be eternal. It is said that it has neither a beginning nor an end. Yet men are able to measure it as years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds. They have also given meanings to the words – past, present and future. True, time has a meaning. It moves.

By |2011-04-09T17:04:44+00:00April 9, 2011|Essay|Comments Off on Essay on the Importance of Time

Summary of “A Time To Think by Edward de Bono”

A feature on Edward de Bono and lateral thinking was published on the 20th December, 1982, issue of Forbes (USA). The second part of the feature contained an interview of several leading businessmen on their attitude to thinking. Among other questions they were asked when they did their thinking.

By |2011-04-06T16:53:11+00:00April 6, 2011|Summary|Comments Off on Summary of “A Time To Think by Edward de Bono”

Brief note on A Stitch in time Saves Nine

So the proverb means, take things in time and you will save yourself a lot of trouble. A small hole in a canal embankment can be stopped up with very little trouble; but if it is neglected, it will widen into a great breach which will call for much labour and expense to make it right again.

By |2011-04-03T10:39:14+00:00April 3, 2011|Notes|Comments Off on Brief note on A Stitch in time Saves Nine
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