Tag Archives | supply

What are the various factors that determine supply?

What are the various factors that determine supply? A supply schedule and supply curve show that the supply of a product is function of its price. However, the supply depends not only on the price of a product but on several factors.

By |2011-06-17T18:09:59+00:00June 17, 2011|Economics|Comments Off on What are the various factors that determine supply?

What are the different kinds of elasticity of supply?

What are the different kinds of elasticity of supply? Elasticity of supply of a commodity is the degree of responsiveness of the quantity supplies to changes in price. Like the elasticity of demand, the elasticity of supply..

By |2011-06-17T18:07:00+00:00June 17, 2011|Economics|Comments Off on What are the different kinds of elasticity of supply?

Law of Supply: What are its assumptions?

Law of Supply:What are its assumptions? Supply of a commodity is the function of a price. The law of supply depicts this functional relationship between price of a Commodity and its supply. Unlike law of demand, the quantity supplied generally varies directly with price.

By |2011-06-17T18:01:07+00:00June 17, 2011|Economics|Comments Off on Law of Supply: What are its assumptions?

The supply and demand theory of interest explained

The supply and demand theory of interest explained. Capital is demanded by the investors because of its productivity. A firm or a producer demands capital as he wants to grow with production.

By |2011-06-17T17:05:38+00:00June 17, 2011|Economics|Comments Off on The supply and demand theory of interest explained

The demand and supply side of the modern theory of rent explained

The demand and supply side of the modern theory of rent explained. Modern theory of rent is an improvement or modification over the Ricardian theory of rent. Economists like Marshall, Mrs. Joan Robinson and Bounding contributed to the ideas of rent which is called modern theory of rent.

By |2011-06-17T15:59:14+00:00June 17, 2011|Economics|Comments Off on The demand and supply side of the modern theory of rent explained

The aggregates of money supply those are prepared and published by Reserve Bank of India

Till 1967-68, the R.B.I, used to publish only a single measure of money supply. From 1967-68 the R.B.I. started publishing additionally a broader measure of money supply, called aggregate mon­etary resources, (A.M.R.). It was explained as M plus the time deposits of banks held by the public.

By |2011-04-11T18:16:21+00:00April 11, 2011|Economics|Comments Off on The aggregates of money supply those are prepared and published by Reserve Bank of India
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