Tag Archives | between

What is the difference between culture and Civilization?

What is the difference between culture and Civilization? Civilization denotes utilitarian things used as apparatus. To understand the term ‘culture’ clearly it would be desirable to distinguish it from civilization. Writers have many different concepts of civilization.

By |2011-07-04T08:08:32+00:00July 4, 2011|Essay|Comments Off on What is the difference between culture and Civilization?

What is the Relationship between Rights and Duties?

Rights and duties are two phases of the same thing. Rights are considered to be essential for the expansion of human personality. They offer to the individual a sufficient scope for free action and thus prepare ground for self-development.

By |2011-06-24T12:22:47+00:00June 24, 2011|Articles|Comments Off on What is the Relationship between Rights and Duties?

What is the difference between citizen and an alien?

All persons who reside within a state can be classified into two groups—citizens and aliens. There are certain things common to both. Both of them live in the state, pay taxes, obey the laws of the state and enjoy civil rights.

By |2011-06-24T11:03:11+00:00June 24, 2011|Difference|Comments Off on What is the difference between citizen and an alien?

What is the difference between De-Jure vs. De-Facto Sovereign?

What is the difference between De-Jure vs. De-Facto Sovereign? This distinction is generally made in times of revolution or war when the legally constituted govern­ment is overthrown and a new authority assumes power by force, having no legal claim to power.

By |2011-06-24T09:18:22+00:00June 24, 2011|Difference|Comments Off on What is the difference between De-Jure vs. De-Facto Sovereign?
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