A nomadic horde is a group of small number of people. When the members of the nomadic horde increase to a very sizable figure it is christened a tribe. A very strong community feeling exists in both horde and tribe which differ from each other mainly in respect of size. In both, such economic activities as collection of fruits, animal hunting, animal husbandry, fishing etc., are carried on. In both, a similarity of blood relations is to be found.

In both,, there is a conglomeration of families. The chief is well respected and obeyed in both. In spite of such a great extent of similarity, the horde and the tribe differ from each other in the following respect.

1. According to Bogardus, “In the tribal group which was an advance over the horde, the need of protection stands out prominently.”

2. The tribe is bigger in size than the nomadic horde.


3. In the tribe, religion is more developed and evolved than in the horde because in the latter a greater solidarity and strength of political and social laws is to be expected.

4. Being of a large and more cumbersome size the tribe possesses a weaker sense of unity than does the horde.

5. The tribe is divided into many smaller groups but the horde has no such sub-divisions.

6. Agricultural occupation is an accepted mode of life in the tribe whereas in the horde agriculture is not indulged into any large extent.


7. The tribe inhabits a definite place. Instead of staying at a definite place the horde wanders over a definite geographical area.