With the development of specific centre of interest and the location of the problem in the field of physical education and sports, the work on the bibliography become more analytical and selective w ith the advancement in the survey or related literature, the bibliography becomes in pertinent, selected and annotated. Its final purpose is to have it in proper form in the final typed or published report.

Every item of the bibliography should be justified in terms of its close relationship to the investigation. It should be pertinent. If it is a book, it may be that one chapter is referred to, knowledge of the content of which is indispensable.

If it is a magazine article, its subject matter should be pertinent to the objectives of thee study in hand. Annotated bibliography should be relatively short and to the point.

Annotated bibliography is included in the final report keeping in view three pints, (i) just to be respectable scientifically the research worker should report a well- organized bibliography in correct form and properly annotated, (ii) It is an index of control the investigator has of the entire field of literature pertinent to his study, (iii) Investigator is duty bound to help in establishing a continuity of study and investigation in the research area in which he is working.


By doing this act a highly useful and up-to-date material is handed over to the next student provided final bibliography is inclusive and well annotated.