1. Write a short note on cytoplasmic inheritance (Give suitable examples).

2. Give an illustrated account of linkage and crossing-over.

3. Write a brief account of evidences of organic evolution.

4. What is meant by coefficient of variation? Calculate the coefficients of variation in the following example:


Number of leaves per plant

Set I: 10, 14, 18, 16, 15, 18, 17, 12.

Set II: 12, 20, 11, 21, 18, 22, 10, 23.

Draw a conclusion on the basic of the basic of the c.v. of the 2 sets.


5. Write a short note on correlation and regression.

6. Describe the process of Meiosis sequentially with suitable diagrams. Contrast it with Mitosis.

7. “Ontogeny repeats Phytogeny.” Discuss.

8. Write short notes on the following:


(a) Evolution

(b) Correlation and regression

(c) Pseudoallelism

9. Describe in detail the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins.


10. Enumerate various techniques used for gene mapping.

11. ‘Recombination and independent assortment are dependent on the positions that the genes occupy.’ Justify this statement.

12. What are transgenics and how do they differ from recombinants?

13. What was the impact of the discovery of sex chromosomes on genetics?


14. Write short notes on:

(a) Peroxisomes

(b) Amphidiploid

(c) Polygenic inheritance


(d) B-Chromosomes

(e) Tests of significance

15. Give a concise amount of cytoplasmic inheritance.

16. Explain the biochemical and molecular basis of mutation.

17. Write short notes on:

(a) Trisomies

(b) One-gene, one-enzyme concept.

(c) Non-green plastids id) Darwinism

18. Explain the various methods of transfer of genes.

19. Explain the regulatory mechanism of gene action, in microbes.

20. Discuss the principles of the double-helix structure of DNA proposed by Watson and Crick, and compare with that of ‘Z-DNA’.

21. Explain different types of DNA replication in prokaryotes.

22. Write short notes on the following:

(a) Multiple factor inheritance

(b) Two component regulatory system

(c) Cytoplasmic inheritance

(d) Transgenic plants

(e) DNA Transcription

23. Enumerate the salient feature of genetic code. How is it related to evolution?

24. What is heterosis? Explain the genetic basis of heterosis and inbreeding depression.

25. How one can produce hybrids of maize and cotton?

26. ‘Knowledge of genetic engineering can be utilized to improve crop plants’, Justify.