(Natural Regions)

1. High mean temperature, high relative humidity and heavy rainfall (well distributed all over the year) are the characteristic features of the

(a) Monsoon region (b) Mediterranean region

(c) Equatorial region (d) Savanna region


2. Mild and rainy winters, warm and dry summers are the characteristic features of fl-E.S. 1994)

(a) Monsoon Region (b) Mediterranean Region

(b) Tropical Grasslands (c) Temperate Grasslands

3. The most advanced Tundra inhabitants are


(a) Eskimos (b) Lapps

(c) Yakuts (d) Samoyeds

4. Match the following:

A. Prairies 1. Equatorial regions


B. Savannas 2. Temperate Grasslands

C. Selva 3. Coniferous forests

D. Taiga 4. Tropical grasslands



(a) 2 1 4 3 (b) 2 4 1 3

(c) 3 1 4 2 (d) 3 4 1 2

5. The polar regions of the earth cannot support forest growth because

(a) The rainfall is very low


(b) The growing season is short in these areas

(c) The ground is often frozen or snow or ice-covered

(d) All the above factors

6. Which of the following regions specialises in the cultivation of citrus fruits? (Income Tax & Central Excise, 1994)


(a) Equatorial region (b) Mediterranean region

(c) Polar region (d) Tundra region

7. The hot deserts of the world are generally found near (CJD.S. 1991) (a) The equator (b) The doldrums

(c) The horse latitude (d) The Tundras

8. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched?

(a) The Mediterranean Region – summer rain

(b) The Equatorial Region – Heavy convectional shower

(c) The Monsoon Region – Heavy rain throughout the year

(d) The Desert Region – winter rain

9. The climate characteristics of which of the following natural regions are dry summers and moist winters?

(a) China type region (b) Coniferous forest region (c) Mediterranean region (d) Monsoon region

10. ‘Mahogany’ is the name of the tree found in the

(a) Tropical monsoon forests (b) Mediterranean forests (c) Coniferous forests (d) Tropical evergreen forests

11. What are ‘Igloos’? (N.D.A. 1994)

(a) A kind of animal hunted by Kalahari Bushmen

(b) A kind of animal domesticated by aboriginal inhabitants of Australia

(c) Mammoth mammals found in the Pacific Ocean

(d) A dome-shaped house or a hut, built of blocks of hard snow, in which the Eskimos live

12. Wood pulp comes from

(a) Equatorial region (b) Temperate region

(c) Mediterranean region (d) Coniferous forest region

13. The collective farms in the Steppes of Eurasia are termed as

(a) Campos (b) Estancias

(c) Kolkhoz ‘ (d) Corals

14. Trees with hardwood and dense canopy are generally found in

(Stenographers’ Exam, 93)

(a) Deciduous forests (b) Evergreen forests

(c) Tidal forests (d) Alpine forests

15. Which of the following groups represent Karst regions?

(a) Causses & Pennines (b) Inselberg & Demoiselles (c) Lapies. & Polje (d) Uvala & Zeugen

16. The tropical grasslands of Africa are known as

(a) Steppes (b) Savannas

(c) Pampas (d) Downs

17. Sunderbans is the name of

(a) Tropical fores), (b) Tidal forest

(c) Semievergreen (d) Deciduous forest

18. Which of the following animals is caught for fur by the nomadic Eskimos of Polar Tundra?

(a) Bear (b) Caribou

(c) Mink (d) Walrus

19. Which one of the following is found on the western coast of continents betweeh 30° and 40° latitudes? (C.D.S. 1991)

(a) Tropical Grassland Region

(b) Hot Desert Climate Region

(c) Mediterranean Climate Region

(d) Temperate Climate Region

20. Which of the following environment supports the growth of Mangrove Swamp? (N.D.A. 1995)

(a) Tidal flat (b) Monsoon

(c) Equatorial (d) Mixed

21. Which of the following characterises the desert forests?

(a) Pointed leaves (b) Dense leaves

(c) Canopy leaves (d) Broad leaves

22. Which of the following types of forests mostly grow in the belt lying between 50°N and 70°N?

(a) Temperate hardwood forests

(b) Temperate coniferous forests

(c) Temperate deciduous forests

(d) Tropical evergreen forests

23. Mosses and Lichens are the characteristic vegetation of

(a) Hot desert region (b) Mediterranean region (c) Temperate region (d) Tundra region

24. The Llanoz and Campos of South America are examples of

(a) Coniferous forest regions (b) Deciduous regions

(c) Equatorial regions (d) Savanna regions

25. Long treeless grassy palms are characteristics of (C.D.S.1992)

(a) Campos (b) Llanos

(c).,Pampas (d) Prairies

26. Which is not a Tundra type of vegetation? (U.D.C. 95)

(a) Sedges (b) Steppes

(c) Mosses (d) Lichens

27. Kirghiz live in (IF.S.1990)

(a) North – Eastern India (b) Western Asia

(c) West – Central Asia (d) South Africa

28. The zones of excessively dry climate with very cold temperature throughout the year correspond to (I.E.S. 1993)

(a) Alpine meadows (b) Antarctica

(c) Arctic deserts (d) Tundra

29. Which climatic region has the least temperature range?

(a) Equatorial region (b) Monsoon region

(c) Tropical region (d) Mediterranean region

30. Which of the following correctly refers to the term Taiga? (N.D.A. 1991)

(a) Deciduous forests of Canada

(b) Equatorial forests of Amazon

(c) Coniferous forests of Siberia

(d) Monsoon forests of Taiwan

31. Tropical evergreen forests are confined to areas which receive an annual rainfall of

(a) Less than 100 cm (b) 100 to 150 cm

(c) 150 to 200 cm (d) Over 300 cm

32. Which of the following is tropical grassland?

(a) Pampas (b) Prairies

(c) Velds (d) Savanna

33. Existence of hot deserts on earth is because of

(a) Cutting of forests in large scale

(b) Flow of hot ocean currents

(c) Flow of monsoon in tropical region

(d) High pressure in these regions

34. The Veld grassland of South Africa experiences

(a) The Continental Savanna Climate

(b) The Maritime Savanna Climate

(c) The Steppe climate

(d) The Tropical desert climate

35. Match the following:




South America












Southern England



(a) 3 24 1 (b) 1 2 4 3

(c) 3 1 4 2 (d) 2 1 4 3

36. The Mediterranean lands are often called the World’s (I.F.S.1990)

(a) Grazing lands (b) Forest lands

(c) Orchard lands (d) Paddy lands

37. The ‘Contra rebels’ belong to (Railway 1995)

(a) Argentina (b) Brazil

(c) Nicaragua (d) Paraguay

(e) None of these

38. The Taiga belt lies between (C.D.S. 1994)

(a) Mediterranean climate and Tundra

(b) Monsoon climate and Tundra

(c) Temperate grasslands and Tundra

(d) Tibet type climate and Tundra

39. The climatic characteristics of which of the following natural regions is high temperature and high rainfall all through the year?

(a) Equatorial (b) Mediterranean

(c) Hot Desert (d) Monsoon

40. High Velds are the temperate grasslands of

(a) Africa (b) South Australia (c) Europe and Asia (d) South America

41. Which of the following regions gets no rainfall throughout the year?

(a) The Equatorial Region (b) The Tundra Region

(c) The Himalayan Region (d) The Mediterranean Region

42. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?

(a) Tundra region -Lichens & Mosses

(b) Mediterranean region -Groundnut & Potato

(c) China Type region -Tea & Sugarbeet

(d) West European region -Corn & Wheat

43. In the Semi arid and Temperate grasslands, the most commonly found animals are

(a) Donkeys and Horses (b) Reindeers (c) Camels (d) Sheep and Goats

44. The Tropical Rain forest type of climate is characterised by

(a) Average rainfall of about 300 cm

(b) Heavy rain and high temperatures throughout the year

(c) Hot dry summer and mild wet winters.

(d) Hot summer and cool winters with about 100 cm of annual rainfall

45. Which of the following trees is not a soft wood variety?

(a) Fir (b) Mahogany

(c) Pine (d) Spruce

46. The greatest diversity of animal and plant species occurs in

(a) Temperate deciduous forests

(b) Tropical moist forests

(c) Heavily polluted rivers

(d) Deserts and Savannas

47. The natural vegetation of Savanna consists of (ND.A. 1995)

(a) Tall grass (b) Scrub jungle

(c) Short grass (d) Trees

48. Chestnut belongs to

(a) Tropical forests (b) Temperate forests

(c) Savanna forests (d) Coniferous forests

49. ‘Platypus ‘ (duckbill) is a kind of animal found in

(a) Africa (b) America

(c) Asia (d) Australia

50. Masai are (IF.S. 1990)

(a) Natives of the Kalahari desert

(b) Nomadic tribe of Kenya

(c) People living in the Nile delta

(d) Tribe of people living in the Sahara


1. (C) 2. (b) 3.(b) 4.(b) 5(d) 6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10.(d)

11. (d) 12. (d) 13.(c) 14.(b) 15.(a) 16.(b) 17.(b) 18(b) 19.(c) 20.(a)

21.(b) 22.(b) 23.(d) 24.(d) 25.(d) 26.(b) 27. (c) 28. (b) 29. (a) 30. (c)

31. (d) 32. (d) 33. (d) 34. (c) 35. (c) 36. (c)37. (c) 38. (c)39. (a) 40. (a)

41(b) 42. (a) 43. (a) 44. (b) 45.(b) 46(b)47. (a) 48(a) 49.(d) 50.(b)