1. Demographers do not take into account

(a) Age, sex and racial composition of the population

(b)Height and weight of the population

(c) Birth and death rate


(d)Density of population

2. What is meant by sex-ratio?

(a) The relation between male and female

(b)The ration between the number of adult male and adult females in a population


(c) The ratio between number of female and number of male in a population

(d)The number of females per 1000 males in a population

3. Which of the following statements is correct?

(a) Demographic studies do not forecast future population movement


(b)Demographic studies attempt to forecast future population movement

(c) Demographic studies only take present stock of population’s size and its structure

(d)Demographic studies only take past account of a population in terms of age, sex and occupation of a population

4. Demography is derived from a


(a) Latin word

(b) Greek word

(c) Spanish word

(d) Polynesian word


5. According to Demographic Transition Theory ‘a rapid increase in population consisting high fertility and falling mortality’ represents

(a) Stage -1

(b) Stage – II

(c) Stage – II


(d) Stage -1V”

6. When did birth, as the controlling factor of status start declining?

(a) When religious renaissance started

(b) When socialist states started in world politics

(c) Since industrial revolution

(d) Since cold war

7. Fill in the blank _____________ is the number under 5 years of age divided by the of women 15-44 years of age mull 1000.

(a) Age Pyramid

(b) Sex Pyramid

(c) Fertility ratio

(d) Dependency ratio

8. Who among the following used the ‘demography’ for the first time?

(a) Achilles Guillard

(b) T. Malthus

(c) Herbert Spencer

(d) Ricardo L

9. ‘Population tends to increase in geometrical ratio whereas agricultural produce inert in arithmetical ratio.’ This statement is i by

(a) Spencer H.

(b) Malthus

(c) Plato

(d) Karl Marx

10. The concept of ‘Positive’ and ‘Preventive checks were elaborated by

(a) T. Malthus

(b) H. Spencer

(c) C. Darwin

(d) W. Pareto

11. “The power of population is indefinitely greater than the power of the earth produce subsistence for man”. It is said

(a) H. Spencer

(b) Adam Smith

(c) T. Malthus

(d) Pareto

12. In which theory does the total population follow an S-shaped curve?

(a) Social capillary theory

(b) Law of logistic curve

(c) Pivots principle

(d) Malthusian theory

13. ‘De-facto’ census method

(a) Distributes the people on the basis of their usual place of residence

(b) Counts the population where it is residing for month preceding the census

(c) It counts the population according to where it is on the night preceding the census

(d) It counts the population where it is residing since a decade

14. By transitional growth we mean

(a) High birth rate and low death rate

(b) High birth rate and high death rate

(c) Low death rate and low birth rate

(d) Low death rate and high birth rate

15. Which among the following covers the study of population and social structure including social groups and institutions according to Ginsberg?

(a) Social institutions

(b) Social morphology

(c) Social anatomy

(d) Social processes

16. Which among the following is not an important factor for India’s rapidly growing population?

(a) Low death rate

(b) Immigration

(c) High birth rate

(d) Emigration

17. Male-female ratio i.e., sex ratio in India since 1901 has been

(a) Decreased

(b) Stagnant

(c) Increased

(d) Demographers now not taking this into account

18. The base of age pyramid in India is broad. This is due to

(a) High birth rate

(b) High death rate

(c) High morbidity

(d) High fecundity

19. Among the following causes of mortality, which do you attribute to society?

(a) Spread of communicable diseases

(b) High rate of capital punishment

(c) Practice of black magic

(d) Child infanticide

20. The word ‘Optimum Population’ means

(a) Maximum population size

(b) Best population size

(c) Negative growth of population

(d) High rate of fertility

21. Which among the following states has the largest population?

(a) Madhya Pradesh

(b) Uttar Pradesh

(c) West Bengal

(d) Maharashtra

22. The population of India is steadily increasing particularly in the metropolis and cities. The causes of this increase are many, therefore, the population check is most urgently required in the

(a) Metropolis

(b) Cities

(c) Towns

(d) Villages

23. Age specific birth rate is marked by

(a) The number of births annually per thousand persons of total population

(b) The number of births annually per thousand in the 15-49 children bearing ages

(c) The number of children born per thousand women in specific age class, say 30-34 years of age

(d) Children of a particular age group say 5- 9 or 9-14 years.

24. Which among the following is an unconscious method of population control?

(a) Using contraceptives

(b) Limiting the size of family

(c) Social legislations prohibiting marriage before attaining a certain age

(d) Taboos on sexual ‘intercourse

25. According to the theory of demographic transaction, in the pre-transitional stage

(a) Both death rates and the birth rates are high

(b) Death rate is low but birth rate is high

(c) Death rate is high but birth is low

(d) Both death rate and birth rates are low

26. The term ‘Demographic transition’ was coined by

(a) T. Malthus

(b) D. Hobman

(c) Warren S. Thompson

(d) L.H. Morgan

27. Usually the developing countries are characterized by

(a) Low birth rate and low death rate

(b) High birth rate and low death rate

(c) High birth rate and high death rate

(d) Low birth rate and high death rate

28. The ideal stage in which the population would be provided with a level of well being is known as

(a) Incipient decline

(b) Transitional growth

(c) High potential growth

(d) Congitudinal growth

29. Conflicts usually emerge when there is social disequilibrium. Who makes us believe that conflicts take place when there is shortage in the supply of articles or subsistence?

(a) Malthus

(b) Vincent

(c) F.E. Lumby

(d) K. Young

30. Which of the following is best defined as change in the diversity and adoption of population of organisms?

(a) Cultural diffusion

(b) Vertical mobility

(c) Cultural evolution

(d) Biological evolution

31. A periodic enumeration and summation of information about a population is called

(a) Census

(b) Observation

(c) Case study

(d) Interval-sampling

32. Who wrote first “Essay on Population”

(a) John Locke

(b) Malthus?

(c) Rousseau

(d) T. Hobbes

33. Who opined that population grows an exponential rate while the means of subsistence grows at a linear rate?

(a) Malthus

(b) Marx

(c) Cose

(d) Spencer

34. Malthus was regarded as a

(a) Preventive measure

(b) Positive check

(c) Destructive element

(d) National calamity

35. The name of a population pyramid indicating a high proportion of children and rapid growth and which has a broad base is

(a) Structured pyramid

(b) Constructive pyramid

(c) Stationary pyramid

(d) Expansion pyramid

36. Who was of the view that demographic density is a major determinant of social revolution?

(a) Emile Durkheim

(b) Herbert Spencer

(c) G. Simmel

(d) Morgan

37. In which state of India men is outnumbered by women according to 1991 census?

(a) Rajasthan

(b) Meghalaya

(c) Kerala

(d) Goa

38. Among the following causes of mortality which do you attribute to society?

(a) Capital punishment

(b) Medical treatment

(c) Child infanticide

(d) Magical treatment

39. Who among the following has developed the theory of ‘step migration’?

(a) Revenstein

(b) R. Redfield

(c) Mumford

(d) H. Spencer

40. Who among the following voiced against Malthus and held that the core reason of overpopulation was not to be found in biological power of reproduction but in prevailing capitalist mode of production?

(a) Karl Marx

(b) Herbert Spencer

(c) F. Engels

(d) M. Weber

41. Which one of the following statements is not correct?

(a) Heterogeneity of population is a characteristic of a city community

(b) Social changes occur more rapidly in the cities than in the towns and villages

(c) The planning of cities is a modern innovation

(d)Most of the major cities of India located on the coast or on navigable rivers.

42. The capacity of women for giving live births is called

(a) Fecundity

(b) Fertility

(c) Mortality

(d) Morbidity

43. The discipline concerned with the statistical analysis and description of population composition and change is called

(a) Demography

(b) Census

(c) Population growth

(d)Population statistics

44. The study of composition of marital status of a group of population is called

(a) Eugenics

(b) Alliance

(c) Gamalogy

(d) Nuptiality

45. As per the 1991 census of India, the state with the highest percentage of urban population is

(a) Maharashtra

(b) Kerala

(c) Karnataka

(d) Gujarat

46. Demography is

(a) An experimental science

(b) A behavioural science

(c) More an experimental science than observational

(d) More an observational science than experimental

47. Malthus, a well known scholar of population studied

(a) Favoured population growth and thought that it leads to social solidarity

(b)Disfavored population growth and thought it to lead to mass poverty and misery

(c) Disfavored population growth but did not think that it will lead to any kind of change in society

(d) Fertility as a way to express herself for women.

48. Demographic Transition Theory is a way of conceptualizing the changes in population which accompanied industrialisation, seeing in these changes a transformation from a system with high birth rate balanced by high death rates to one with low death rates balanced by low

(a) Birth rate

(b) Death rate

(c) Fertility

(d) Feundity

49. Counting people for census purposes as residing in their usual or normal place of residence is called

(a) De facto census method

(b) De jure census method

(c) Demographic equation

(d) Normal census

50. Which among the following record selected population events as they occur?

(a) De factor census method

(b) Vital registration system

(c) De jure census method

(d) Reporting census




3. (b)


5. (a)

6. (a)

7. (c)

8. (a)

9. (b)

10. (a)


12. (b)

13. (c)

14. (d)

15. (b)

16. (b)

17. (a)

18. (a)

19. (d)

20. (b)


22. (d)

23. (c)

24. (d)

25. (a)

26. (c)

27. (b)

28. (a)

29. (a)

30. (d)


32. (b)

33. (a)


35. (c)

36. (a)

37. (c)

38. (c)

39. (a)

40. (a)


42. (a)

43. (a)

44. (d)

45. (a)

46. (b)

47. (b)

48. (a)

49. (b)

50. (b)