251. The first to benefit by education English during the British was

(a) Brahmans

(b) Vaishyas

(c) Both a and b


(d) Kshatriyas

252. Wealth and landowner Brahmans which much of it gifted by

(a) Kshatriya

(b) King 260.


(c) Lower castes

(d) All of the above

253. Socialisation is a process by which the individual is adapted to his

(a) Co-operating sense


(b) Social environment

(c) Social Conformity

(d) All of the above

254. Hereditary trade, crafts or skills are carried on according to the caste system in certain cases in


(a) Urban areas

(b) Industrial areas

(c) Rural areas

(d) All over India


255. Industrialization and urbanization have tended to produce

(a) New status

(b) New classes

(c) Caste system


(d) None of the above

256. When there is a large scale of social system then bureaucratic discipline becomes necessary. The statement given by

(a) Max Weber

(b) Sapir

(c) Linton

(d) Krober

257. Position of Brahmins has been challenged

(a) Every knows then

(b) It is a social crime

(c) Always

(d) Never so far

258. The school socialized the child by providing social control through

(a) Social values

(b) Regulation

(c) Rules

(d) All of the above

259. The skills and knowledge acquired in the classroom are actually utilized by the individual in his adjustment to

(a) Social situations

(b) Social science

(c) Social culture

(d) Social behaviour

260. Education is process of

(a) Direct learning

(b) Indirect learning

(c) Both a & b

(d) None of the above

261. The effectiveness of learning for social competency depends on the suitability of

(a) Objective

(b) Procedures

(c) Motives

(d) Both a & b.

262. Theoretically each caste has its own

(a) Marriage group

(b) Hereditary occupation

(c) Status

(d) All of the above

263. The divorce is not so difficult or uncommon among the

(a) Lower caste

(b) Higher caste

(c) In all caste

(d) None of the above

264. Socialization requires

(a) Teachers

(b) Rewards

(c) Punishment

(d) All of the above

265. The teaching technique must seek to utilization the social forces operative in social life in order to develop capacity for

(a) Social problems

(b) Social adjustment

(c) Social behaviour

(d) Social attitude

266. ‘Socialisation is a process by which the individual is adapted to his social environment” the statement given by

(a) Drever

(b) Spencer

(c) Moore

(d) Deccan

267. Brahmins have seldom been

(a) Kings

(b) Teachers

(c) Priests

(d) All of the above

268. Caste membership is determined by

(a) Fight

(b) Competition

(c) Birth

(d) Conflict

269. ‘Society has developed a number of specialized institutions to carry out these functions of education’ described as

(a) Collage and Schools

(b) Agencies of socialisation

(c) Individual group interaction

(d) Both a & c

270. Old concept of Sociology is given by

(a) Lamark

(b) Auguste Comte

(c) H. Spencer

(d) Both a & b

271. ‘Socialisation is a process as a result of which children take on themselves the various social roles’ according to

(a) Cook

(b) Radcliffe

(c) Linton

(d) Krober

272. Caste is an important factor in how people deal with

(a) Religion

(b) Each other

(c) Groups

(d) Enemies

273. Informal agencies is/are

(a) The family

(b) The play group

(c) The community

(d) All of the above

274. One of the important industries in a competitive economy is/are

(a) Advertising

(b) Movies

(c) Sports

(d) Game

275. The number of aspect ‘assimilation’ has

(a) 1

(b) 2

(c) 3

(d) 4

276. The conservative function of education is /are

(a) Social heritage

(b) Cultural heritage

(c) Constructive role

(d) Both a & b only

277. The hold of caste system strongest in

(a) Towns

(b) Rural areas

(c) Urban areas

(d) Metropolitan cities

278. In the new social pattern, education has to play

(a) Cultural role

(b) Constructive role

(c) Creative role

(d) Both a & b

279. The method of teaching must place primary emphasis on –

(a) Social behaviour

(b) Social religion

(c) Social culture

(d) Social science

280. The meaning of initiative and independence is

(a) Ability to communicate with society

(b) Ability to conflict for society

(c) Ability to cope with problems independently

(d) Ability to adjust with society

281. Formal schooling, at first was confined chiefly to those areas having highest culture accumulation that is/are

(a) Mathematics

(b) Philosophy

(c) Religion

(d) All of the above

282. One of the most needed requirements of socialization, learning and education is

(a) Discipline

(b) Co-operation

(c) Competition

(d) Conflict

283. In all social systems, a person has to discipline himself to respect others

(a) Right

(b) Desires

(c) Wishes

(d) All of the above

284. With the development of written language and the number system school were established in

(a) America

(b) Australia

(c) China

(d) Africa

285. Learning is basically

(a) Group process

(b) Individual process

(c) Social process

(d) Co-operational process

286. The last part of the above statement of Duncan points out that interactions are influenced by

(a) Cultural factors

(b) Psychological factors

(c) Biological factors

(d) All of the above

287. Agriculture is open to

(a) Shudras

(b) Kshatriya

(c) Brahmins

(d) All castes

288. Peons, domestic workers, sweepers etc., belong to

(a) Lower middle classes

(b) Lower classes

(c) Lower employed classes

(d) None of these

289. Social change is a

(a) Discontinuous process

(b) Continuous process

(c) Conscious process

(d) All of the above

290. Brahmins position has been based largely on their monopoly of correct

(a) Learning

(b) Religious practices

(c) Education

(d) All of the above

291. Caste continues to play a unique role in

(a) India

(b) England

(c) America

(d) China

292. Only an economic revolution can change the plight of

(a) Lower classes people

(b) Upper middle class people

(c) Upper classes people

(d) None of the above

293. Brahmins are divided into separate sub- castes differing greatly from one another in their

(a) Occupation

(b) Colour

(c) Custom

(d) Nature

294. The unemployed lower classes are

(a) Landless farmers

(b) Wandering gypsies

(c) Blackomiths

(d) All of the above

295. Brahmins are divided into separate sub castes differing greatly from one another in their

(a) Social standing

(b) Food habits

(c) Customs

(d) All of the above

296. Ordinary people paid for the services of the Brahmans in

(a) Grain

(b) Milk

(c) Clothes

(d) All of the above

297. Anti Brahman sentiment has erupted occasionally in

(a) Madras

(b) Maharashtra

(c) Calcutta

(d) Both b & c

298. Students who join strikes and opposition movements in schools and colleges belong to

(a) Lower upper classes

(b) Lower middle classes

(c) Lower classes

(d) Upper middle classes

299. A man without a caste is alone and cannot join

(a) Any company

(b) Any religion

(c) Any other group

(d) Any school

300. Social change implies changes in the

(a) Functional units of society

(b) Structure units of society

(c) Both of the above

(d) Narrow sense



252. (b)

253. (d)

254. (c)

255. (b)


257. (c)

258. (d)

259. (a)

260. (a)


262. (d)

263. (a)

264. (d)

265. (b)

266. (a)

267. (a)

268. (c)

269. (d)

270. (d)


272. (b)

273. (d)

274. (a)

275. (c)

276. (d)


278. (d)

279. (a)

280. (c)


282. (a)

283. (d)

284. (c)

285. (b)

286. (d)

287. (d)

288. (c)

289. (b)

290. (b)


292. (a)

293. (c)

294. (c)

295. (d)

296. (d)

297. (d)

298. (b)

299. (c)

300. (c)