Necessary conditions for the formulation of healthy public opinion are as follows:

1. Educated and Enlightened Citizens:

Educated and enlightened citizens alone can understand all issues and problems properly. They cannot be taken in by the oily tongue of some people. They can evaluate every issue properly and formulate right opinions with regard to the problems and issues faced by the society.

2. Free and Honest Press:


Free and honest press is also essential for the formulation of healthy public opinion. Only a press without any fear can publish every issue in the newspaper. When the press is under the control of the government, it is not in a position to publish anything freely. Besides, press must be fair and honest. An honest press does not present anything in an exaggerated or distorted manner. It always helps the formation of clear and healthy public opinion.

3. Sound Party System:

Political parties play a significant role in the formulation of public opinion. However, these can do so only when these are organised on democratic lines. When the political parties are not properly organised, these fail to present a correct perspective of the political events and national needs.

Consequently, proper public opinion cannot get formulated. As such political parties must rise above casteism, provincialism, linguism, communalism and regionalism. These should pursue the goals of national interest. They should communicate right information’s to the people.


4. Alert and Active Citizenship:

The citizens, apart from being educated, should be also active in their approach. Only such citizens take due interest in every happening, and have an action-oriented outlook towards politics. They do not yield to pressures. They try to understand every problem and form an impartial view. They can distinguish good from evil. Only active and alert citizens can ensure the birth of healthy public opinion.

5. Sound Education System:

Since education system also plays a significant role in the formation of public opinion, it is always essential that it should be a sound system of providing education and training to the young persons. It should cultivate rational, scientific, humanistic and national outlook. It should be helpful in making the young people free from sectarian or parochial considerations of casteism, linguism, religionism, communalism, regionalism and the like.


6. Removal of Poverty:

Poverty is a curse. A poverty stricken person can neither think freely not can form his free opinion. He always remains drawn to the basic needs of life. Poverty always deprives the people of their free will and they tend to become friends of the corrupt. As a result, right public opinion fails to get formulated. Removal of poverty must be vigorously pursued and only then the required environment conducive for the emergence of healthy public opinion can be created.

7. High Moral Character:

The moral character of the people also contributes to the formulation of healthy public opinion. The people of high moral character shun falsehood and bad tactics, and give balanced and useful views.


8. Freedom of Speech and Expression:

Freedom of speech and expression is also necessary for the formulation of free and honest public opinion. Any restriction on the expression of views always hinders the birth of healthy public opinion. As such opportunity for a free use of right to freedom of expression must be made available to the people.

9. Freedom from Casteism, Communalism and Localism:

The considerations of casteism and communalism make the thinking of the people parochial, and they get tied down to narrow loyalties. Due to it, they fail in the task of formulation of right public opinion. Every effort should, therefore, be made for, eliminating these evils.


10. Spirit of Toleration and Co-operation:

Healthy public opinion can only be possible if the people are tolerant to each other and have in them the spirit of co-operation. If these feelings are lacking in man, he fails to tolerate opposition. A healthy public opinion can emerge only through a healthy debate among the opponents. Opposition or dissent must be tolerated as natural and useful.

11. Democratic Government:

Only in democratic government, the people have freedom of speech and expression and they enjoy adequate rights and freedoms. Such a situation helps the formation of healthy public opinion. By securing all these conditions, each society can create an environment conducive for the formulation of healthy public opinion.