10 Disadvantages of A Political Party System are as follows:

(1) National interests are harmed by the selfish propaganda of the Parties:

Every party carries on a vigorous propaganda in its favor and against other parties. It poisons the political atmosphere of the country. Secondly, each party cares more for itself than for the country. Thus it proves harmful for the country.

(2) Party-system creates factionalism:


Party system creates factionalism in the country. Dr. Gilchrist says, “Party-system tends to make the political life of a country machine-like or artificial. The party in opposition or as it is sometimes called the Outs, is always antagonistic to the party in power or the Ins. President Washington referring to the drawbacks of the party-system said, ‘It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies, false alarms, kindles the animosities of one party against another, foments occasionally riots and insurrection”.

(3) Political Parties crush individuality:

Each party expects the people to follow it blindly. It does not allow even its own workers to criticize it for its shortcomings. It crushes their individuality and their development is hindered.

(4) Wrong education of the people:


The critics of the party-system say that the people do not get education in this system. On the contrary, many misunderstandings are created among the people. The political parties try to get votes by false promises and propaganda, undue pressure and cheap tactics.

(5) Parties spread corruption:

During elections parties distribute money among the electorate and use many cheap tactics to secure votes. The persons who enjoy a special influence on the voters help in securing sufficient votes. The candidates make many promises and offer numerous temptations. After winning the election, the candidates benefit their supporters in many ways. The ruling party sometimes offer high posts to such persons. It spreads corruption in the whole society.

(6) The ruling party makes attractive laws near the election in order to catch votes:


When the elections come near, the ruling party tries to make laws which please the voters very much. Thus, they try to get more votes in order to win the election.

(7) Dictatorship of the ruling party:

If the ruling party has sufficient majority in the legislature and if the opposition parties hold an insignificant position, the ruling party will act arbitrarily and it will not care for the opposition parties. It will give rise to the dictatorship of ruling party. Therefore, it is said that for the success of democracy effective opposition is essential.

(8) Unstable Government in multi-party system:


In a country where there is multi-party system, no party is in a position to make the Government. Hence, a coalition Government is formed, which is usually unstable.

(9) Political parties spread communal hatred:

The parties which are formed on the basis of religion spread communal hatred against other communities. It creates many conflicts in the country.

(10) The country is deprived of the services of the talented persons owing to the party-system:


Many able persons do not want to contest the elections without the help of a political party. Thus, the country is deprived of the services of talented persons. Besides, the ruling party is not prepared to include talented persons-from opposition parties.