Individual begins to learn after his birth and goes on learning till death. He learns through living and tries to adapt himself to the environment around him. There are therefore many factors in his life, in his environment and in his mental set up which influence his learning. These factors immensely affect the learning process of the individual. There are two important factors involved in his learning (i) maturation and (ii) learning. Both these are inter-linked and inter-connected. Gates has rightly said, “Learning is modification of behavior through experience.” Experience itself is learning and learning is active as well as continuous. Different factors that are involved in the learning process may be mainly classified into three: (i) the psychological factors, (ii) the physiological factors and (iii) the environmental factors. The psychological factors are, for example, motivation, attention and interest, the physiological factors are five senses through which an individual learns and the environmental factors are the physical conditions and facilities that promote or hinder the learning. On the whole, these are two types of factors affecting learning. One type of factors affects the learning process favorably and another type of factors affects adversely. The first category consists of facilitating factors and the second category consists of retarding factors to learning. Here, we are concerned not will all these factors of conditioning learning, but only with a few psychological factors like motivation, attention and interest. These are discussed one after another as follows.