Religion was presented in philosophical terms and hence we find that the era of the revival of Hinduism was also an age of the growth of philosophical systems revealing the different facets of the Ultimate Reality in its entire splendor.

One of the best philosophical works produced at that time’ was Bhagavad-Gita, which is described as perhaps the only true philosophical song existing in any known tongue. It is an allegorical poem which depicts the inner conflict of human beings in a remarkable manner and also suggests the means to resolve it.

The philosophy contained in Bhagavad-Gita’s of perennial interest and emphases all that is of enduring valley in Hinduism. It represents a synthesis of the fundamental ideas of many philosophical schools and religious sects.

It presented an attractive theistic religion based on the idealism of Upanishads. God is represented as the sustainer of all things omniscient and omnipresent. He is depicted as an embodiment of all excellences and is unaffected by virtue or sin. He protects friends and is a dependable guide and philosopher of all those who cling to’ Him with fixed mind and devotion. In short Gita attempts three fold, spiritual advancement through the path of knowledge, the path of action and the path of faith.