4 main Theories of an Organisation

1. Classical Theory:

It treats the workers as no better than a machine and lays more emphasis on the formal organisation structure based on certain universal principles. It is associated with the names of Weber, Taylor, Fayol, Mooney, Reiley, Urwick and others.

2. Human relations Theory:


It looks upon the worker as a whole man, with his feelings, motives, aspirations and the like. It was profounded by Elton Mayo, Kurt Lewin and others.

3. Systems Theory:

It regards the organisation as a system, a complex of parts interacting among themselves and with the environment. General systems theory was emphasised by Bertalanffy and Kenneth Boulding.

4. Organisational Theory:


It stresses the self-actualising, self-directing and self-controlling tendencies of individuals. Its exponents are Renis Likert, Douglas McGregor and others.