Of the various approaches for teaching of type-writing skills the most commonly used in schools and colleges for teaching are:

1. The Home-Row Approach.

2. The Skip-around or word-pattern Approach.

3. The vertical Finger Approach.


4. The whole Key-board Approach.

Home- Row Approach

Adopting this approach for teaching the students is taught first the locations of the fingers. A good practice is given in the form of drills of the home-row keys. This is considered as the easiest way to introduce the key-board. In this row only one vowel “A” is provided so adoption of this approach provides non-sense typing and so word- typing or phrase typing should not be expected.

The Skip-around or Word Pattern Approach


Adopting this approach for teaching those keys are presented first to the students, which are required to prepare meaningful typed material. To start with more emphasis on reaches controlled, by the stronger fingers of both the hands. By adopting this approach, no non-sense material is typed. To master key locations short and simple words are typed putting more emphasis on double letters which is considered as easiest letter combination for beginners. When taught by this technique students get a feeling of confidence and they strike the keys with more confidence.

Vertical Approach

In this approach of teaching type-writing all keys struck by one finger are presented at one time. For example j, h, b, u and y with for finger of right hand and f, g, c, v, r and t with for finger of left-hand. The material produced by this approach is quite non-sense as in case of Home-row approach.

Whole-Keyboard Approach


In this approach of teaching type-writing the entire alphabetic key – board is presented during the first day of typing. To help students to learn the locations of all the keys additional drills are provided on subsequent days.