Classical theory is job-oriented while behavioral theory is employee-oriented. The behavioral approach has led to a more systematic and objective understanding of the human factor which is the most critical factor in management.

This approach has provided many new ideas and techniques in managing organizations, e.g., informal leadership, open communication, motivation theory, group cohesiveness, participation, job enrichment, etc with the help of behavioral sciences, managers can design more satisfactory work situations. The behavioral approach has also been helpful in the training and development of managers.

However, the behavioral science approach is not free from limita­tions. Behavioral sciences lack the precision of physical sciences and exact prediction of human behavior is not always possible.

In many cases the application of principles of behavioral sciences has given unexpected results. Behavioral sciences research guidelines can be helpful but the findings are tentative and should not be treated as applicable to all situations.


Moreover, overwhelming research in this approach has created a tendency to treat management as equivalent to human behavior. Many researchers talk about organizational behavior in vague terms.