Ancient India made important contributions to the development of science. In the field of mathematics the use of zero, notation and decimal systems are the distinct contributions made. Zero was discovered by the Indians about 2nd century BC. At the same time Apastambha produced the concept of geometry.

Aryabhatta formulated the rule of trigonometry. Varahamihira was an astronomer per excellence. Susruta and Charaka were famous scholars in Ayurveda. Charaka referred to many diseases in his Charakasamhita. Also he suggested a large number of plants and herbs which were to be used as medicine.

Brahmagupta, the greatest mathematician and astrologer of India, flourished during the 7-8th centuries. Al-beruni said that he was fully aware of the real natural causes of the eclipses. He composed the treatise Brahma-siddhantci. The treatise was composed by him at the age of only thirty.