The Ecosystem can broadly classify into three as follows:

(A) Natural Ecosystem

These ecosystems are found in natural conditions without interference by man. These are self-perpetuating and more stable. The following types of ecosystems come under this category:

1. Terrestrial (or land): The following types are recognized under this:


Tropical Forest, Desert,

Prairie (or grassland), Coniferous forest,

Temperate deciduous forest, and

Tropical moist deciduous forest


2. Aquatic (or water): Under this there are two divisions:

(i) Fresh water (or Limnetic)

(a) Lotic (or running water formation): Spring, River

(b) Lentic (or standing water formation): Pond, Lake, and Swamp


(ii) Marine (or sea): Under this there are three types: Sea, Coral, Reefs, Rocky Shore

(iii) Estuary

(B) Artificial (or man-engineered) Ecosystem

These ecosystems are made by man and hence are artificial, e.g.:


(1) Cropland (terrestrial) where man cultivates wheat, maize etc.

(2) Aquarium: man also maintains this

(3) Garden (terrestrial)