The Human Genome Project aims at decoding DNA sequence and order of genes. Human cells contain DNA, which in turn contains its structural units called nucleotides. This project will map the sequence of millions of codes in the Gene of Human being. By this, scientists will be able to identify the genes responsible for various diseases.

DNA structure contain chemical blocks called A (adenine) C( Cytosine) G (guanine) and T (thymine).

These blocks, by combining with each other form a complex sequence. This complex sequence is being decided by the Human Genome project. It will help preventing or curing wide range of disease. For example, changing an Adenine in place of Thiamine in the gene of hemoglobin causes sickle cell anemia.

The Human Genome project will prove helpful in development genetic condition of human being and make them more immune to diseases by improvement of genes. Even genetical and hereditary disorders can be prevented and cured by such technology.


Human Genome gives all the information of persons regarding his physique, different organs, blood etc.