‘Manners makes a man’ is a true saying. By manners we mean proper and respectful behavior towards all with whom we come in contact.

Good manners come naturally to a man who is bred-up in a cultured family. On the contrary, an ill-bred man has no manners. Good manners are, therefore, the sign that a certain person has been brought up on the right lines.

Good manners are very necessary for progress in life. They help him to win the favor and confidence of others. They are a sure passport to success in life. An ill-mannered man, on the other hand, is disliked by everyone and has no chance of success in any walk of life he joins.

Good manners endear us to others. A polite answer turns away anger and a kind word uttered in time saves a man from many troubles. It is politeness which succeeds while ability fails. Even a good action will lose its value if the person doing favor utters impolite words.


Good manners are learnt early in life. A child born in a cultured family will learn to be respectful to others because he will see his elders behaving gently. A child born in an uncultured family will be disrespectful because he sees his elders behaving badly towards others. A child will learn whatever he is taught. So a little carelessness on the part of the parents is likely to spoil him and it will be difficult to reform him afterwards.

A man should remember that when he is in company he should not go on talking all the time but let others has their say. It is bad manners to go on talking even if others do not feel interested in the talk. Again a man should be polite to strangers so that they might have a good opinion about the man. While travelling he should observe the rules of the road. He should be kind and courteous to old men and ladies. While boarding a bus or a train he should see that he does not push his way in but takes his turn. It is bad manners to break the queue or push oneself in without his turn.

Let us look to the convenience of others. ‘Live and let others live’ should be our motto.