In 1914 the whole world was in the throes of a horrible war known as the World War I.

It is so called because of its unprecedented horribleness and extensive nature. It was an inevitable consequence of the crisis in international situation towards the close of the nineteenth century.

a. Underlying Causes of the First World War:

Firstly, in the Vienna Congress (1815) nationalism was totally disregarded consequently, potent nationalistic movements were launched everywhere in Europe.


Secondly, sharp commercial and colonial rivalries among the various European Powers started in the 19th century. This competition resulted in the sanguinary battle among the various European countries.

Thirdly, after unification, Germany became a powerful and prosperous country and established itself as a competitor of England in the manufacture of industrial goods.

Fourthly, Germany now required colonies wherefrom it could bring raw materials and sell finished products. England and France which had already established colonies in various places of Asia and Africa considered Germany to be their rivals.

Fifthly, in the circumstances the European countries made an endeavour to increase their military power. Very soon Germany became an adversary of England even in naval power.


Sixthly, European politics towards the beginning of the 20th century created a situation favourable for war. Meanwhile Europe was divided into two opposing camps-the Triple Alliance among Germany, Italy and Austria; and the Triple Entente consisting of France, Russia and England.

Mutual spite and fear of aggression of the various countries led to the formation of these two opposing camps.

Seventhly, when the international situation was thus very tense the dispute over the Balkans at last made the war start. The rivalry between Austria and Serbia was actually the direct cause of the World War I.

eighthly, the Slavs in the Austrian territories Waged potent movement for their emancipation from the Austrian yoke. They received direct and indirect assistance from Serbia.


These terrorists made a sudden attack on the heir apparent to the Austrian throne, Francis Ferdinand and his wife who were then on sojourn in Serajevo (the capital of Bosnia, a province of Austria) and killed them. This incident is popularly known as the ‘Serajevo Murder.

Ninthly, the Austrian government held Serbia responsible for this ghastly murder and a few days later served an ultimatum on Serbia demanding a reply within forty-eight hours. Austria was not satisfied with the reply and she formally declared war against Serbia on 28.

b. Effects of the World War I:

The World War I continued for four years. Millions of people lost their lives in the battlefield and several others were mutilated.


No war before it had been so very extensive. It was a total war. The deadly weapons used in this war were unprecedented and horrible.

From the historical point of view the World War I had an enormous importance.

(1) Because of this war the European map underwent a change.

The German, Russian, Turkish and Austrian empires had fallen.


(2) Out of the debris of these empires were born many new states like Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, etc. The extents of the old states also underwent a change.

(3) The spread of democracy and nationalism was the most significant effect of the World War I.

(4) the nationalistic movements gained in strength in the various countries of Europe, Asia and Africa.

(5) Democracratic administrations were established in’ the newly emerging states. Dictatorship like Nazism of Germany or Fascism of Italy was found in those countries where democracy had failed.


(6) The labour became actively conscious of its rights. Consequently, trade-union movements became potent in various countries. In a number of countries labour welfare laws were passed to meet the demands of the labourers.

(7) A world-wide economic crisis swept in as a result of the World War I.

(8) From this crisis again dissension among the different countries followed.

(9) Internationalism spread as an upshot of the World War I. Most of the countries showed their eagerness for international co-operation and assistance.

This gave rise to the international organisation known as the League of Nations.

c. Importance:

From the historical point of view the World War I was of utmostimportance in the history of the World.

First, the War brought a total change in the map of Europe. The German, Russian, Turkish and Austrian empires had fallen.

Second, out of the ashes of the four empires were born many new states like Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and others. The extent of the old states of Europe also underwent major change.

Third, the spread of democracy and nationalism was another important aspect of the World War I.

Fourth, national movement gained strength in the countries of Europe, Asia and Africa. Also democratic administrations were established in the newly emerging states.

Fifth, it is also to be remembered that dictatorships like Nazism of Germany and Fascism of Italy developed because of the failure of democracy in these countries.