The internal and external conditions of France were most appalling. The people were taking to revolt in various parts of the country and demanding the dissolution of the Paris Commune.

There was chaos, anarchy and confusion everywhere in France and people were aspiring for peace and order.

The Jacobin leaders were trying to control the situation. Danton declared: ‘Audacity, more audacity and always greater audacity was needed to cope with all the problems of the country.” Robespierre had also pointed out:

“Tyrants beset us from without on our borders and the friends of tyranny conspire within. In such a crisis the main principle of our policy must govern the people by Reason and the enemies of the people by Terror.


Terror is only justice more prompt, more vigorous, and more inexorable and therefore virtue’s true child.” Thus the members of Jacobin party established Reign of Terror which in their own opinion was a reign of virtue.

The following committees were set up for the better working and smooth running of the Reign of Terror.

The Instruments of the Reign of Terror

The following were the significant organs of the reign of terror:


1. The Committee of Public Safety:

It was established in January 1793. It had only nine members in the beginning but later on the membership was enhanced to twelve. Danton, Robespierre and Carnot etc., were prominent members of this committee.

It ruled for a year as an executive power; and the head office of this committee was in Tuileries. A prominent member of the committee observed:

“We must establish the despotism of liberty to crush the despotism of the king.”


The committee was given the responsibility of making the appointments of important ministers, generals and high officers of the armed forces. The power of declaring war or making a treaty was also confined to this committee. Two further committees were formed within this committee for the better functioning of the Committee of Public Safety:

1. The Committee of General Security, and

2. The Revolutionary Tribunal.

2. The Committee of General Security:


It came into power in 1792. Its chief function was to maintain peace and order in the country. It was composed of twenty-one members who possessed the powers of police officers.

They had power to arrest any individual on the basis of doubt for treason and get him punished by the Revolutionary Tribunal. It used to keep secret knowledge of the individuals and watched their movements.

3. The Revolutionary Tribunal:

It was established in March 1793. The judges of this court were appointed by the Committee of Public Safety. Its main duty was to punish the persons held under the Law of Suspects. No appeal was allowed against the decision of this court.


Thousands of men and women were guillotined according to judgments of this court during the ‘Reign of Terror’. Justice was all denied as the judges were already directed to give their decisions hastily without going deep into the proceedings of the case. The chopped heads of the so-called culprits were displayed at the Square of Revolution in order to terrify the public.

4. The Guillotine:

It was an instrument invented by Dr. Guilllotine and was named after him. It was used for beheading the criminals.

5. Special Representatives:


Besides the above instruments of the Reign of Terror, a special representative unit was also established. At least two representatives were appointed in each province and invested with despotic powers. They could arrest any person and get him punished by the Revolutionary Tribunal.